Woof Walk Challenge – Week 3 Update!

by Terra Booth
Bernese mountain dog woof walk

Well, we have made it through three whole weeks of the Woof Walk Challenge now!! Grace, Benson and I have walked a total of 80km towards our 1000km goal! If you haven’t yet, there is still time to sign up and join us! Read the original post HERE for the links to donate and join! The best part is that even though the challenge has been going on for a while, you can still pick different distances to meet your goal by the end of the year!

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Glen Stewart Ravine

Bernese mountain dog walk Glen Stewart Ravine
Headed into the ravine!

The pups and I spent a lot of time exploring the Glen Stewart Ravine over the past week. The ravine is a stunning walk where you feel like you are in a different world, never mind in the middle of a big city! We are incredibly lucky and blessed to have this ravine a short two block walk away from our house!

The Start – Glen Stewart Park

Bernese mountain dogs playing
Typical Grace and Benson

When we are planning on going over to the ravine, we usually start by heading over to the Glen Stewart Park which is at the south end of the ravine. There are usually a lot of neighbourhood dogs out in the park at any given time of the day so Grace and Benson get a nice visit and play in at the start of our walk!

The Ravine

Bernese mountain dog walk
We found a stick mom!

After Grace and Benson have had some play time with their friends we head north through park and up to the start of the actual ravine. The very north end of the park is closed off for construction now so we have to loop around to the street for a short bit. The dogs always get really excited when they see where we are going! It is a great option for a nice walk in the city on the hotter days when the beach isn’t an option.


Bernese mountain dog Glen Stewart Ravine coyotes
Signage at the entrance to the ravine

Besides birds and typical city wildlife such as squirrels, there are BIG warning signs when you head in about the wildlife in the ravine. There are coyotes in the ravine and likely some fox visitors as well. This can be something to keep in mind in particular if you have smaller dogs. My daughter and I have heard them howling at night in there on some of our evening walks, something you definitely don’t expect to hear in the city!

The Scenery

Bernese mountain dog Glen Stewart Ravine
Benson having a drink out of the Ames Creek in the Glen Stewart Ravine

As I mentioned above, the scenery once you get in the ravine is nothing short of breathtaking! It is like you walked into some sort of a fantasy world! The ravine is lush and green, with giant and rare trees such as Red Oak and Red Maple. The city sounds are non-existent. Some parts of the 1.3km trail are dirt path, but much of the trail is an elevated boardwalk with railing to keep people and pets from venturing off the path. There are also several spots on the trail where you can take staircases up back into the neighbourhood. If you take the whole trail to the end, you end up back on Kingston road. The dogs love the ravine with all the new and interesting smells! There is also the Ames Creek which runs through the ravine where the dogs love to stop and have a drink. It really is a great option to keep everyone cooler on hot days and still get our walks in!

Bernese mountain dog Glen Stewart Ravine
Almost at the end of the ravine

Kiera Gets Leashed

woof walk dog park
Kiera coming to say hi

If you have already read the post where Kiera gets leashed then you know what comes here! Kiera is one of the dogs that we run into on our morning walks over to the dog park. And for some reason she is quite taken with me, and will ignore and run away from her walker to come find me! Over the past week she has started becoming a little possessive even, snapping at other dogs I pay attention to! It really is unusual since she is not my dog and apparently doesn’t even do this with the owner…The result is that poor Kiera gets leashed when we are in the dog park! I feel so bad about it, but she is still allowed some play with her buddy Benson while we work to try to stop this behaviour.

Play Time With Frost!

woof walk long-coated Collie

Frost is a huge long-coated Collie that lives a block over from us. Grace and Benson have known him since they were first home and they are all really good friends! When we walk by his house and he is outside, we are usually invited in for some play time! We had been over at the Glen Stewart Park and were headed home one day and Frost was out! We went in with Zoey, who lives a couple houses down from us, and everyone had a great play! Grace in particular is enamored with Frost and it is so great to watch the two of them bounce around and play!

Benson Gets in a Fight

woof walk Berne
Benson and Sully in friendlier times

One of the downsides of the dog park is that even with well behaved dogs there is always the risk that some tempers will flare. Benson had the zoomies and was running full force around the park, with a couple other dogs running with him. When Sully joined in, I thought nothing of it. Sully is a GIANT Irish Wolfhound who’s head comes up to my chin when he comes over to say hi and get a treat. Benson and Grace have known him forever without any issues. So when his body language with Benson changed and he stiffened up and went into attack mode I was really surprised. I was screaming for Benson to come over, but he just couldn’t manage to get away from Sully and had to fight back to protect himself. It was really scary to see two big dogs fighting with each other like that. The walker got Sully leashed and off Benson, and the big guy came running right to my side. He had cried out in pain at one point, so I checked him over and was relieved nothing was bleeding. But looking in his mouth, he was bloody on his gums around a few of his teeth. Sully was about the same. The next day when Sully came sauntering over to greet us I was really nervous, but him and Benson went nose to nose without any issues! I was really relieved and there were no incidents on that day, almost like it never happened.

Rain came overnight, so the dogs have little interest in going out right now being that they are divas and apparently can’t get wet…unless it’s in the lake or creek! Last week certainly had no shortage of adventure, and we are looking forward to seeing what the next week brings!

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Field Dogs 300 x 600
Erin June 7, 2021 - 9:52 am

They look so healthy and happy! I love the picture with the Coyote! Kiera says, “WHAT?” Great blog!

Terra Booth June 7, 2021 - 1:19 pm

Thanks! Haha, yes it is pretty amazing to me to be in a big city and see those signs and hear them at night! I do love writing about all our adventures.

Alicia June 7, 2021 - 12:34 pm

You have the greatest adventures with your dogs! I love it! We go hiking with ours almost every weekend in the spring and fall months. I’m a lover of taking the pups with you for exercise! My parents have a coyote (or two!) living in their back field. We used to camp back there, but I opted not to with the possibility of putting our dogs in danger. Do you worry about them with your big dogs? Maybe I’m being too cautious.

Terra Booth June 7, 2021 - 1:17 pm

I do worry! The ravine is really close to us and they come out onto the street sometimes. The time that I am most nervous is during mating season since they can get really aggressive around that time! Otherwise I just don’t go near the ravine at night! Another neighbour also has two Berners and he doesn’t even go to the cottage during mating season for that reason.

Cecile June 7, 2021 - 2:39 pm

Love to read about your walk challenge. I hope Benson feels better after the attack. It is always scary to see them hurt.

Terra Booth June 7, 2021 - 5:48 pm

Thanks! We are having so much fun with it! He bounced back pretty well, his gums healed fine and he seems ok with Sully too. The last time he was attacked in there I had to work with him for months to build his confidence back up.

Sabrina DeWalt June 7, 2021 - 3:27 pm

The fight must have been so scary.

Terra Booth June 7, 2021 - 5:48 pm

It really was, I’ve never seen two such big dogs fight like that before.

Tiffany Smith June 7, 2021 - 4:48 pm

It’s been so long since we’ve been to a dog park…I miss it!

Terra Booth June 7, 2021 - 5:50 pm

I love going there despite things occasionally happening. Petting all the dogs is such therapy!

Kristin June 8, 2021 - 12:30 am

Scary about the dog fight. So interesting that they fought one day and were cool the next! Looks like a beautiful walk.

Barbara June 8, 2021 - 7:07 am

Any excuse to share time in nature is excellent! Especially with furry friends!

Terra Booth June 8, 2021 - 7:30 am

I agree! I love exploring with my pups!

Suzan June 8, 2021 - 7:10 am

Great job! Your pup is armed and ready to go with that “log” in his mouth 😂

Terra Booth June 8, 2021 - 7:30 am

Haha, I know! The bigger the better where “sticks” are concerned

Kristen W Allred June 8, 2021 - 12:23 pm

What an awesome challenge. I love to go walking with my pup.

Terra Booth June 8, 2021 - 2:32 pm

We are having a lot of fun with it! It has been really hot this week so far so we haven’t been able to go out as much, but we have all been getting fit from it!

Larissa Li June 8, 2021 - 1:09 pm

I absolutely love your dogs’ coloring and the life they have is so fun and busy. Great life!

Terra Booth June 8, 2021 - 2:32 pm

I know, I wish I was a spoiled dog sometimes! I fell in love with their markings and temperament, really a great breed. I think I’m addicted haha, may end up with this type of dog for life!

Keirsten June 8, 2021 - 1:33 pm

Those doggy pics are so adorable. I love the goofy silly personalities. Dogs are just the best. My late Boxer used to always find the largest sticks and try to run with them, taking out everyone’s legs and ankles along the way haha. Looks like you guys had another great adventure.

Terra Booth June 8, 2021 - 2:31 pm

Haha, I know that feeling too! Benson found a giant tree branch one day and was trying to pick it up, whacking our legs and cars in the process…

danielle nieman June 8, 2021 - 5:49 pm

I love your dog pics! Thanks for sharing all of this info. I have a little Yorkie who would love this.

Marianne G June 9, 2021 - 9:48 am

Love reading about your dogs’ adventures! I find it pretty interesting about Kiera. There must be something about you that she like better than her owner! LOL.

Terra Booth June 9, 2021 - 11:46 am

Haha, yes it really is quite something! She will come and walk at my heel the entire time we are at the dog park if she isn’t leashed!

Stephanie June 10, 2021 - 11:51 am

Beautiful pictures! I love getting out into nature, and it’s more fun with dogs!

Maya June 11, 2021 - 11:13 pm

They look adorable! What a fun way to keep them active and also enjoy nature.

Melissa Jones June 12, 2021 - 11:11 pm

That is such a great time to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Danielle Ardizzone June 13, 2021 - 10:34 am

We have a dog park near us, I just recently discovered. I’ll be taking my dog soon!

Cindy Moore June 13, 2021 - 2:03 pm

What fun adventures with the dogs…and their friends!


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