Woof Walk Challenge – Week 6 Update!

by Terra Booth
woof walk bernese mountain dogs sitting

Wow, time flies, I can’t believe that we already completed week 6 of the Woof Walk Challenge! We are now close to 170km towards our 1000km goal! With our walk pace picking up, we should be able to hit 200km next week! So proud of my pups! Read on for where our adventures took us over the past week!

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woof walk bernese mountain dog park portable popup water bowl
Benson chilling after having a drink from his popup water bowl

Ear Infections

Sadly both dogs developed ear infections last week, requiring drops from the vet. My dogs are prone to ear infections so I caught the signs of ear infection really early making treatment easier. Since ear infections can get serious fast, when I called my vet they wanted me to come in the same day but their appointment schedule was full!

However, since my dogs have been diagnosed in the past, my vet was able to refill one of their older prescriptions without requiring me to come in which was great! I really love my vet. I was able to pick up the drops the same day and start treatment. Unfortunately that left the beach off the table as an option for our walks since Grace couldn’t go in the water until treatment was done.

woof walk bernese mountain dog in park
Grace sniffing out a scent!

Glen Stewart Park

We spent a good amount of time at the Glen Stewart Park over the past week! There is a group of regulars who meet in the park after the work day is done, and it is great to see our friends regularly! Since it is not an overly long walk when we go to the park (they spend much more time playing and running with their buddies) I take a few balls over to toss for them. Benson has this really funny habit of running to the top of the hill with his ball, lying down and letting it go then chasing it all the way down the hill! It is really cute, I have tried to get it on video a few times but he never seems to do it when the camera is on him of course!

woof walk bernese mountain dogs playing park
Berner day at the park!! Yes that is Grace hanging off Bo…

The dogs always seem to end up with each other’s balls, but Benson is OBSESSED with his hot pink one! If his Ridgeback buddy Reina gets too close when he has it he will defend it and refuse to part with it! But for some reason Zoey, a much smaller Bichon he has known almost from day one, comes by he will let her steal it from him! It has become somewhat of a game, Zoey drops her ball and follows Benson around until he drops it and she nabs it at lightening speed! And once she has that ball GOOD LUCK getting it away from her! I have to resort to tossing treats near her and hope to get my foot on the ball IF she drops it!

woof walk bernese mountain dog bichon park
Zoey looking for Benson’s pink ball!

The Dead Squirrel

This was definitely the highlight of the week for Benson! We went over to the park as usual, and things were going the same as always. We tend to hang out on the side of the park where there is more shade for the dogs since the heat in the sun can be pretty intense. I was chatting with the other dog owners and my dogs were wandering around sniffing and checking things out. One of the other owners goes “Oh, he is heading towards the squirrel” causally, without mentioning it was DEAD and in the park!

One of the owners, laughing hysterically, said it was like slow motion watching me turn and start to run towards Benson before his grisly find, screaming his name the whole time! But he was just too far away from me to grab a hold of him…and you guessed it…he FOUND the dead squirrel…Once he had that scent in his nose there was about no way that he was going to actually listen and come to me…

bernese mountain dog berner smiling park
Benson looking SUPER proud of himself after the squirrel episode

Benson grabbed his find and proudly started showing it off to the entire park! He ran up the hill and ran excitedly back and forth with the unfortunate squirrel dangling out of his mouth! Every time he would burst out of the bushes the other dog owners would collectively groan and laugh. By this time Grace got in on the action too and was running and trying to rip the squirrel out of Benson’s mouth! All the other dog owners were frantically trying to keep their dogs from joining in! It was chaos!!!

Finally….finally…I managed to tempt Benson to leave his prize at the top of the hill and come for some treats…One of the other dog owners went up the hill to grab the squirrel with a poop bag and put it in the garbage…Not sure why someone who found it first didn’t just do that to begin with!

While the other owners continued to laugh one joked that I would need to clean his mouth out…I retorted I was going to spray it out with the hose…at least it wasn’t THEIR dog right?? No puppy kisses on this day, and my daughter would scream if he came near her with his dirty mouth! Benson thoroughly checked both the spot where he found it and where he left it the next day but finding nothing it was business as usual!

woof walk bernese mountain dog golden retriever play park
Of course Benson found a new puppy friend!

The Ravine And A Grumpy Tween

I have written about our travels through the ravine for other updates, and it was really hot last weekend so we made sure to make a trip up to the top of it. It is so beautiful in there, I just love when we go exploring. It was really nice and cool in there, and they love wading in the creek and having a drink from it. My daughter had a Facetime sleepover the night before though, and didn’t go to bed until 3:30…so she was tired and cranky the ENTIRE walk! She said her legs wouldn’t work anymore at one point but I was determined to get this walk in, and she ended up sitting on the curb for a while on the way back home and refused to walk either dog. We made it, and she came right back into the house and went straight to bed! She doesn’t like the longer walks like I do…

woof walk bernese mountain dog in ravine on walk
Grace and my daughter in the ravine

Bath Time!

Between the dead squirrel and all of Grace’s swimming, the dogs have been in desperate need of a bath! I had been planning on doing it last weekend but the ear infections I didn’t want them getting wet until I had that cleared up!

Yesterday another Berner owner was at the park and when my dogs got close he actually commented that my dogs stink! I know they did…Grace in particular gets a rather strong and sour smell in the summer after swimming in the lake which isn’t always the cleanest…It’s been really gross lately with lots of algae…My neighbours have also commented in the last couple of days how much my dogs stink! And this is OUTSIDE! I laugh and comment that I definitely know when Grace enters the room!

bernese mountain dog bath
Bath time for Gracie!!

After the last of the drops went in last night, I wasn’t waiting any longer to bathe my dogs!!! So this morning, instead of taking them out at the usual time I lured them upstairs with the dried sardines and liver treats…you know, the stinky and irresistible kind…Grace was up first since she smelled SO bad! I tossed a few treats into the tub, and when she got her front legs in I lifted her bottom and swung it in! Then when she was done it was Benson’s turn!! He is an escape artist though so I have to shut the glass shower doors around him…Half an hour later and the smell is gone!!!! Today at the park no one can comment that I have stinky dogs…I even used my blue shampoo on their chests to get the white the brightest it can be!

That wraps up week six of our Woof Walk Challenge! I can’t wait to see what the next week brings! It is heating up though so I will need to be mindful of how long I am walking them at any given time, so shorter more frequent walks at odd hours will likely be our game plan!

bernese mountain dog park walk on back
Benson playing with his favorite ball!

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Field Dogs 300 x 600
Cindy June 28, 2021 - 12:47 pm

I can’t even imagine washing three Berners in one day between the baths and drying! I get worn out just washing one Pyr, or one Standard Poodle on separate days. It sounds like you’re having fun with the challenge.

Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 3:27 pm

Basically I wait until the floors need scrubbing and the bathroom…everything from four feet down is wet by the end of it all through the house! They are pretty good though, I can get them both in and out of the tub in about half an hour…then spend the rest of the day drying them and the house!

Misskorang June 28, 2021 - 1:32 pm

Beautiful dogs. Enjoy the challenge. I’m sure they’re enjoying as well

Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 3:26 pm

They are loving it, and I am loving having tired and calm dogs while we all get fit!

Alicia June 28, 2021 - 2:05 pm

I can’t imagine what I’d do if one of my dogs got a hold of a dead squirrel! I usually pry their mouths open if they don’t respond to “drop it”, but I am not getting near a dead squirrel! haha

Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 3:26 pm

Haha, that was Benson’s second time finding one…luckily I haven’t had to touch either of them!

Christina Siwik June 28, 2021 - 2:13 pm

Beautiful dogs and it looks like both the dogs and you have a lot of fun in the challenges.

Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 3:25 pm

Thanks! They keep me busy for sure, and they are loving all the extra walks!

Kristin June 28, 2021 - 2:24 pm

Sorry to hear about the ear infections, they look happy though!

Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 3:25 pm

It’s really no fun…but they still had a great time going over to the park instead of the beach but I felt bad about no swimming on these hot summer days!

Danielle Ardizzone June 29, 2021 - 11:05 am

I identified with the dead squirrel story, lol. My dog (beagle) killed a baby rabbit when she brought it to me, and I took her outside and hosed the inside of her mouth for a good 10 minutes.

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:20 am

Just one of the perks of owning a dog!

Tiffany Smith June 29, 2021 - 12:18 pm

Our husky would play ball by herself like that on a hill. And I know the struggles of getting dead animals away from my dogs 😅. Sound alike you had a busy week!!

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:20 am

It’s so cute to watch! Never any shortage of adventures with these beasts…

Suzan June 29, 2021 - 3:47 pm

Dogs certainly love to find carrion. My old guy used to love to roll in the nasty decaying masses he would find. Talk about a stench 😅

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:19 am

Yes, mine always manage to somehow find the dead fish on the beach…I can always tell by how enthusiastic the rolling is!

Sabrina DeWalt June 29, 2021 - 9:13 pm

The dead squirrel story is a riot! I think all dog parents have been in that position at some point.

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:18 am

Yes it was quite the scene! Benson definitely put on quite the show for everyone.

Marianne June 29, 2021 - 11:01 pm

Ick! I can’t imagine the dead squirrel! My cat dragged in a dead mouse one day, and that was bad enough! Love looking at the pics of your dogs! Gorgeous!

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:18 am

Thank you! Yeah, that was the second time Benson got a hold of one…not fun!

Chelsea June 30, 2021 - 2:16 am

Wow go you on bathing the dogs! I have an Aussie and it’s SO exhausting bathing and drying and brushing just one dog!

Terra Booth June 30, 2021 - 8:17 am

Haha thanks! I’m pretty lucky, my dogs are pretty relaxed in the bath but there are LOTS of treats involved! The brushing takes way more time after they are dry…

Barbara July 1, 2021 - 7:26 am

Awesome, fun pets!

Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com July 1, 2021 - 3:53 pm

It’s great to see such a dedicated dog “mom!” Have fun!

Alice July 4, 2021 - 8:40 pm

Dogs are great!

Terra Booth July 5, 2021 - 2:00 pm

They really are!

Cindy Moore July 5, 2021 - 12:30 am

Your dogs are so amazing! Ugh though on the dead squirrel!

Terra Booth July 5, 2021 - 2:00 pm

Thank you! Yes, that has been the second time he has gotten a hold of one…not a fun experience

danielle nieman July 5, 2021 - 1:01 pm

Your dogs are beautiful! I loved reading this.

Terra Booth July 5, 2021 - 1:59 pm



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