Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise?

by Terra Booth
dog getting enough exercise

The amount of exercise varies greatly between dogs, so how do you know how much exercise is enough??? My two Berners are relatively low energy, but they still need to get out for at least an hour a day! I can tell when they haven’t had enough because they go thundering through the house getting into EVERYTHING! This is usually a monsoon rain kind of a day scenario.

And is it just me or do you feel some sort of guilt if you skip a walk and your dog is looking forlornly out the window or at their leash? I know when I’m in my office working and can’t get out with them, they will sit out in the hallway and just look miserable…Benson will occasionally start grunting and whining…

is my dog getting enough exercise
He came in like a wrecking ball…

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Factors To Take Into Consideration

Breed and Size

First things first. The size and breed of your dog are going to determine their individual exercise needs. You can learn more about picking the right breed of dog for you HERE! Don’t get me wrong though, there are exceptions with every breed!! There is one super high energy Bernese in my neighborhood…He gets walked four times by lunch…Definitely NOT typical!

But don’t let the size of a dog fool you either! My bears are HUGE and, well, relatively low energy dogs. They have their moments, but after an hour walk they sleep for about six hours! And I have seen tiny dogs that just. dont. stop.

dog exercise getting enough signs
But how can I walk if I can’t SEE!?!


Age is also a factor to take into consideration when determine how much exercise they need! Puppies play a lot, and sleep a lot! But really young puppies should not be walked for long distances or periods of time. And when dogs get into their senior years their exercise needs can change again. Be sure to be mindful of your dog’s stage in their life cycle when you look at exercise.

But in general, most dogs need at least 30-60 minutes of exercise a day to stay healthy (and out of trouble!). Keep reading to find the signs your dog may need more exercise and ways to increase their physical activity level!

how do you know if your dog is getting enough exercise
Pawprints in the sand

What To Look For

Body Condition

Your dog’s body condition is the first thing you need to look at to see if enough exercise is being had! I know that it can be tough since you are seeing your dog all the time and you might not necessarily see these changes immediately!

But it’s important to step back and really take a look at your dog. Can you see a clearly defined waist? Well, it can be tough with mine because there’s just SO MUCH HAIR!!! So I tend to go more by feel. You should be able to easily feel your dog’s ribs without putting too much pressure on them.

You can check out the American chart on assessing your dog’s body condition score HERE!

Destructive Behavior

Dogs that aren’t getting enough exercise may start acting out in other ways to try to deal with the excess energy they have! They may just decide that pillow over there looks ripe to be gutted…Or that baseboard over there looks like it simply must be chewed!

You may think that your dog is just misbehaving. But they really may need to be exercised more so they don’t start looking for other outlets for their energy! And I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather go for an extra spin around the block (which is good for me too!) rather than chase and yell at my dogs all day for causing trouble around the house…I’m noticing even with the colder days the walks are a little shorter and they are acting out a little more than usual…Guess I need to bust out the snowsuit.

dog getting enough exercise destructive behavior
I didn’t do it!!!


Does your dog sit and look out the window and bark at EVERYTHING? Or at every little noise they hear? This can be another clue that they aren’t getting enough exercise to be too tired to bark at nonsense!

Benson was driving me a bit batty today before his walk, standing at the door and not stopping for anything I was doing! I finally went downstairs to investigate and discovered a squirrel taunting him on the front porch. Ok, I have to give him that one!

There’s a good chance that your dog will be tired and sleepy if they are exercised enough and not bother barking at trivialities. Another great reason to get that leash out!


Do you have a dog that just lies around all day? Either asleep or moping? Sometimes if my dogs haven’t been outside yet they will curl up in a ball and just stare at me…And I feel horribly guilty for whatever reason we haven’t been out! Grace is the master of this move.

dog sleeping depressed not getting enough exercise
Sleepy time


This. This is classic Benson!!! I’d be rich if I had a quarter for every time he begs to be let in and out over the course of the day. Pretty much flat out refusing to believe his dog door exists because he’s figured out that if he makes enough noise at the back door I have no choice but to stop what I’m doing, give him some attention and open the door!

The dogs also knows when walk time is getting close because they will start pacing back and forth through the house! So if your dog is constantly on the prowl it may be a sign that they need to get out and stretch their legs a bit!

Rough Play

Another Benson move! At walk time when I grab the harnesses, he will jump right on top of Grace and get super rough with her, which usually results in some sort of a yelp. Followed by Grace turning around and defending herself and a full out wrestling match at the front door! With me in the middle in a tangle of leashes…

Dogs that haven’t been exercised enough may end up playing rougher than they otherwise might. Which can result in injuries which no one wants to deal with.

dog not getting enough exercise weight gain rough play
I’m not sure if he is just being a clown or wanting to go somewhere…

What You Can Do

More Walks!

You had to know this was coming! If you have the time and your dog is able to, get out for a longer walk than typical. Explore a new area or head over to a park that is a little further away! If your dog is unable to walk longer distance or there are time constraints, what about more frequent walks of shorter duration?

If Grace and Benson are needing more, I try to get them out for an extra walk before bed. I think they really are just trying to drag me out now that the weather is cooler and they are enjoying it that much more!

Maybe try getting a buddy system, and get out walking regularly with a friend and their dog! If walking your dog more frequently yourself isn’t an option, there are many great dog walking options out there such as a dog walker for either a solo or group walk.

dog walking getting enough exercise
Mom, I can’t walk any further, there’s a big scary cat in the way

Fetch and Tug

Walking isn’t the only way to increase your dog’s exercise level! Taking a ball over to a park (off-leash permitted of course) and throwing it will be a good amount of exercise for your dog! Or even just in your backyard if your dog is an avid catch fan. Mine, sadly, are not. They will maybe go after the ball all of once and stop.

Tug is another great option that doesn’t require a lot of space! Although it can be quite tiring for you as well, particularly if you have bigger and stronger dogs!

Grace and Benson both like to get in the action at the same time, which leaves me out of breath and exhausted after some good tugging! I really think they take it easy on me though because they are enjoying the game. Or I’d probably find myself getting dragged all over the house…


Enrichment is another great way to tire out your dog if weight loss isn’t a goal. Snuffle mats, puzzle balls and puzzle toys are all great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated, which is often just as tiring for your dog!

Or maybe look at doing some new training. Both my dogs are absolutely exhausted after learning or practicing something new! If you have the time and think your dog might enjoy it, you can also check out some agility classes which exercise both their mind and body!

Go To The Dog Park

While you stand around, your dog will likely be running back and forth and playing with other dogs! The dog park can be a great way for your dog to get more exercise. They also get to mingle with other puppy pals! There are definitely things that you need to know to make it a safe experience. You can learn more on how to make a trip to the dog park safe and successful HERE!

Doggy Day Camp

A doggy day camp can be a great way to increase your dog’s activity levels! There are so many options available, so be sure to find the one that suits your dog best. I have found a great outdoor day camp that picks your dog up at your house in the morning, drives them out to a fully fenced property in the country and they spend the day out hiking the trails and running through the forest! They get home filthy, happy and extremely tired!

I try to do this with them at least once a week, but since it is a full day I don’t do it more than 2x a week and overdo it with them. They usually sleep a good portion of the next day as well…

signs your dog isn't getting enough exercise
Grace looking regal

Dog Agility Equipment

If you have the space for it why not consider looking into getting some dog agility equipment? You can set it up different ways to challenge your dog, and it uses their brain as well as getting in some more exercise! I mentioned above taking some agility training courses, but if that is not an option for you why not get some equipment and do it yourself!

Word of Caution

Like any new fitness routine for us people, don’t just throw your dog into a much more aggressive exercise routine since it can result in injuries. Particularly if your dog hasn’t been getting enough regular exercise and is overweight. Gradually increase the level of activity and keep an eye on your dog for signs that they’ve had enough for the day. Also be sure to consult with your vet.

In Conclusion

With so many options available to help your dog get more exercise, there is sure to be something that’s suitable for you and your pet! You will notice changes such as weight loss as well as a happier and calmer dog!

If you want to track exactly how much activity your dog is getting there now many dog activity trackers on the market as well! I would love to get one of these to see how much exercise my dogs are getting when they go out of town on their little day trips! But they can help you learn where you need to adjust and to what level to keep your dog at their healthiest and happiest!

Do you have a favorite type of exercise activity that I haven’t included on the list? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

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Janet Oberson January 31, 2022 - 2:50 pm

Great write-up! I have a 15 month old cocker spaniel and take her out everyday for 1 hour at least. I feel guilty if I don’t get out with her. It’s good exercise for me too!

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:08 pm

Thanks!! Yeah, I feel guilty too!!! And I really enjoy the breaks and walks around the neighbourhood as well so it’s a win win!

Megan January 31, 2022 - 2:51 pm

We had a couple dogs growing up and they never seemed to turn down the idea of going on a walk! These are some really great benefits to making sure dogs get enough exercise. Plus, it’s great motivation for us to exercise too!

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:07 pm

It really is! I’m way more active than I was before I got the dogs. And I have seen mine just look at me sometimes when they are tired and I pick up the leashes lol.

Alexis Farmer January 31, 2022 - 7:42 pm

My dog won’t leave our couch cushions alone and I know it’s because she’s not exercised enough. It’s been so hard to go out for walks with having so much snow on the ground! I’ll definitely try these toys though, thanks for the awesome suggestions!

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:07 pm

There has been a ton of snow here this year too! My dogs just tunnel through it haha, but I definitely feel the workout of walking through it! But I do find just a crazy game of running and tugging can tire them too!

Lisa Manderino January 31, 2022 - 7:44 pm

These are great ideas for getting the doggies lots of exercise!

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:06 pm


Chelsea January 31, 2022 - 8:36 pm

This was great! We stopped walking our dog because he got so anxious on walks. Now, we exercise him in our yard instead. He’s almost 13 so he doesn’t need much!

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:06 pm

That’s great that you can do it in your yard! Mine isn’t nearly big enough for my two haha.

Erica Pittenger February 1, 2022 - 12:19 pm

I have always wanted a Bernese!!! What an adventure to have TWO!! I love them so much! We recently lost our Golden, Gracie and I miss having a dog. Your post reminded me how much they need to exercise! Great ideas to keep them moving and wear them out! Hopefully, my three kids can help wear out a puppy if we get another one! 😘

Terra Booth February 1, 2022 - 1:05 pm

I absolutely love the breed! I’m sorry for your loss, they really are great companions! And the exercise is great for all of us involved!

Cindy Campbell February 1, 2022 - 2:00 pm

This is great information! Generally when Nick, my dog, starts getting mischievous, he’s telling me he wants to train.

Keirsten February 1, 2022 - 3:33 pm

Oh my gosh that photo where Benson is trying to devour Grace’s head is hilarious. Dogs are just the best. These are such great tips. My frenchie is 12 years old this year and while he still wants to play he has some elbow joint issues that make it harder for him to burn the energy. Which I can agree, he is much more destructive when he can’t burn his energy. He loves to chew pillow corners now 🥴and not being able to really take him on long walks, we’ve had to improvise with more home toys. Will definitely keep these tips handy to use on him.

Tiffany February 1, 2022 - 4:57 pm

I have the fitbark and it does great letting me know how my dog is doing activity wise. Love having an outside source to clue me in!

Sabrina DeWalt February 3, 2022 - 12:29 am

I think dogs are kids are similar in that their getting into trouble often has to do with needing more exercise.

Cindy Moore February 4, 2022 - 10:50 pm

Excellent suggestions for increasing exercise and play for dogs! My dog Payton was a big girl and a working breed dog. She definitely needed her daily walks and play times.

Maria Khan March 17, 2022 - 3:17 am

Great suggestions for getting dogs more exercise and playing!


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