Happy Gotcha Day Benson! A Whole Year of Adventures!!

by Terra Booth
Bernese mountain dog

One year ago today, my daughter and myself bundled ourselves into the car and got ready to go pick up little Benson. We had not met him yet as Covid restrictions meant that we had to pick him out from pictures instead of in person like we did with Grace.

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In the pictures, Benson looked so tiny next to his brother. I was drawn to the big guy, but Hailey had her heart set on sweet little Benson. He was so cute, and had a squiggle of white from his forehead down the back of his head like a little bolt of lightening. We chose Benson.

Bernese mountain dog puppy
Baby Benson with his Mom and Dad on pickup day

The Long Wait

We waited the two months until we could bring him home, rather impatiently much like we did before we picked up Grace. Grace was getting bigger and bigger, and we were hitting some milestones like house training and actually sleeping the night!

I was a bit worried about going right back into sleepless nights. Grace had me up constantly, and I really, really like my sleep! Really though I did want Grace to have a playmate and companionship, and we were lucky that the breeder had puppies ready to go in a short period of time.

Bernese mountain dog puppy
Grace at five months old, the day before we picked up Benson

Picking Up Benson!

When we got to the breeder’s house, there was Benson. He was so freaking cute it hurt my heart! Hailey did not get to come on the trip to pick up Grace so she was super excited to get to come along this time. She immediately scooped that puppy right up into her arms and was absolutely beaming with happiness.

Bernese mountain dog puppy breeder
My daughter holding Benson for the first time

A Calm Car Ride

It was a much calmer ride home this time around. When I picked up Grace it was just me and I hadn’t thought to bring any sort of carrier, and she was climbing all over my lap and onto my shoulders and trying to get out of the car the entire drive home! Benson just went to sleep right on Hailey’s lap and barely made a move the entire drive.

Bernese mountain dog puppy car ride
The car ride to Benson’s forever home

Benson Meet Grace!

We got home and brought him out into the back yard to get to know his new home a bit and that this was the place to go potty. Then Grace came barreling out, aggressive with the little guy really, and we had to keep her on a leash to keep her from getting too rough with the little guy. But she figured it out though very quickly. I don’t think she could quite believe what was happening though! Who is THIS guy mom? Why is he in MY yard? What’s the deal???

Bernese mountain dog puppies
Benson meeting Grace for the first time

Picking him up and bringing him into the house he fell asleep in my arms. He was incredibly cuddly. And soft. And warm. Hailey had said to me on the way home “Mom, this is definitely the right decision”. I couldn’t agree more. Where Grace was a nut case when she was that young, Benson was so calm. He didn’t bite or chew. Benson listened and was so trainable. It was a completely different experience and his sweet little personality immediately captured my heart.

Bernese mountain dog puppy

To Crate Or Not To Crate

The first hitch hit when it came time for bed. I had put another crate in my room at the bottom of my bed, next to Grace’s. He squealed like a banshee in it…all.night.long. And for the next several nights. I was exhausted, at my wits end. I could barely remember my name during waking hours. There must be a way to figure this out!

While I didn’t want him to sleep in my bed right away until he was potty trained, I put him up into my bed out of pure desperation. He did the unthinkable. Benson cuddled up next to me on my pillow and fell fast asleep!!! And slept the entire night!!! That settled it. He wasn’t a crate dog like Grace was.

Bernese mountain dog puppy asleep

He slept with me curled up around my head, getting bigger and bigger with each day. But he started getting fussy again though when he was about five months old. Benson was getting too hot to sleep in bed with me and would pant and be restless until I would begrudgingly put him down on the floor to sleep. I had really gotten to love having him there warm and furry and snuffling into my ear at night. It is comforting. My little boy was starting to grow up, and it made me a bit sad.


Watching Benson and Grace play and grow together has been an exceptional experience. More than one person told me I was crazy when I said I was getting a second puppy…But I found that they entertained each other so much during the day and it was really good for them to have a companion. Sure, they got into trouble together and fought sometimes much like true siblings, but for the most part they have been great for each other and love each other. If one is not around, the other one really misses them.

Bernese mountain dog puppies playing
Grace and Benson, already fast friends

Walking Two Puppies

Walking was one thing that represented a challenge with these two bears! Once Benson’s hormones started really kicking in, he went from my sweet little baby boy to this large and rowdy teenager! He was always after Grace, and on walks the first thing he would do when we left the house was jump on her and bounce all around her and wrestle his way down the sidewalk. I would say the first ten minutes of a “walk” were standing in front of my house watching this ritual wrestling match.

He just recently stopped doing this! His favorite trick was to attack Grace crossing busy city streets and I was getting tired with the holding up traffic. I had more of a chance to work with him one on one when Grace was out of commission after having hernia surgery. Now, he will give her a glance and I know what is on his mind and I can correct it before he jumps on her. She didn’t even want to leave the house for a walk at one point! It was fun to watch, but it was time for him to outgrow that little habit.

At the beach, he is a big bouncing ball of fluff! He loves to run and zooms around on the beach without a care in the whole world! His recall is amazing (I think I mentioned how easy he was to train), and I can have him at my side in an instant. Unlike the other one…It got a little less fun for him when his hormones were raging though, as other dogs seemed to take great offense to this.

Bernese mountain dog
The last thing I saw before getting hit!

Neuter Time

Benson just went in to get neutered yesterday. For some reason I felt extremely guilty about this! I was taking away his manhood and he never even got a chance to use it…It was time though. I know that you should try to wait a little longer with the big guys as they need the testosterone to grow and for joint health. But his behaviour was getting to be a bit much for us!

He was after Grace constantly, there was no escape from his amorous advances. She was tired of it, and I was tired of trying to get him off her. Grace would just lie down at times and let him do his business on the wrong end, closing her eyes as if to just block it right out! He was whining and crying, pacing, and had a really hard time settling. And he was getting reactive with other dogs that approached with energy. I knew what the answer was.

Bernese mountain dogs
Benson giving attention to Grace after her spay

Phoning the breeder and having a discussion with him about it, he said anytime after a year old was fine really. I booked the appointment that night!

Back Home!

Benson is home now. Missing a couple things but he doesn’t even really seem to notice. I haven’t even had to use the cone on him! I’m very glad about that because it saves me from shin bruises…Grace was the champion of those…He has been really, really calm. And so loving. I cannot wait for him to be fully healed and to have my big, goofy sweet boy back instead of testosterone head.

I love all my animals, but Benson has a very special place in my heart. He is a momma’s boy through and through. We have taught each other so much over the past year. I really can’t believe it has been a year though, where did it go??? We can’t wait to see what the next year brings, but I know lots of laughter and love. I love you big boy.

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