Even if your cat and dog appear to be in top health, regular vet visits are an important part of their overall care! A wellness visit includes getting vaccines to diagnosing an undetected problem. Your vet can work with you to give your pets a long and healthy life! I have had my cats back and forth to the vet multiple times for a variety of reasons. But I still make sure to get them in for their vaccines and regular wellness checks. After all there might be something I have been missing!
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What Is A Wellness Check?
A wellness check for your cat and dog is an assessment of their overall health. It should be done at least annually. It may also be done more frequently for pets with ongoing health issues. Pets that are starting to get on in their years may need more frequent visits as well. You will notice it can include a complete physical checkup as well as bloodwork, stool samples and urinalysis. It was at one of these visits that my vet found an issue with Bubbles and her teeth. I hadn’t noticed and it would have been extremely painful!
Your vet should also have records on what vaccinations are needed. This is a great time to also bring up any health issues or questions you might have about your cat or dog!

Physical Examination
A nose-to-tail physical examination is performed by your vet at a wellness check. The first thing my vet does is get a weight for my pets. They will compare it to previous years to determine if they are at a healthy weight! My cats were on the heavy side while we lived in the condo. But since moving to the house they have a lot more room to romp and are now maintaining a healthy weight!
Your vet will also check your pet’s ears, eyes, and teeth. Getting their temperature taken is never a comfortable experience but it must be done! Then my vet will feel their bellies to make sure all is in order. My cats HATE this part almost as much as getting their temperature taken! Your vet will also use a stethoscope to listen to their heart and lungs to make sure all is in order.

Blood Samples
I have found that my vet doesn’t typically ask for a blood sample at a wellness check when they are in their younger years. However, this year Bubbles is hitting 9 years old and Miesha 7 years old. So my vet suggested a blood test to start ruling out illnesses that come with age. It came with the realization that my cats are starting to get on in their years and need extra care and attention at this age! Made me a bit sad to be honest too…
Besides finding things like anemia or other issues, your vet can use a blood test for heartworm. My vet will ask to do a heartworm test before prescribing annual heartworm prevention medication.

Stool Samples
Generally I have found that my vet has only asked me for a stool sample at the very first vet visit after my dogs and cats have come home. Stool samples are used to rule out any parasites that they might unknowingly bring into your home! The cats are easy because I can just pop down to the kitty litter box and grab one. With the dogs…they are BIG and their poops match the size so I hate digging into a fresh pile with that little spoon and getting it into the container…
If your vet doesn’t ask for this at your wellness check, they will ask you how their poops are. If they are on the runny side or there have been issues be sure to point it out. This may be where they ask to obtain a sample to rule out giardia or other parasites.

While some vets may ask for this, I haven’t been asked to provide urine at a regular wellness check. With cats, it may be asked if your cat is having trouble urinating or you notice blood in their urine. Your vet will want to rule out crystals or a urinary tract infection. Often you won’t be able to tell though if your cat is having issues in this area. They are masters of hiding pain. The biggest sign could be peeing outside their litter box – you can read more on what to look for if they are peeing around the house HERE.

It is much more likely that you notice issues with your dog while out on walks with them. If you notice your dog seems to be having painful pees or you see blood in it, call your vet for an appointment asap!

Your cat and dog’s annual wellness check will likely be done when your pet is due for their vaccinations. After the initial series of shots for puppies and kittens, your pet will need vaccinations on a regular schedule. Core shots include rabies, parvovirus and distemper. Some, like rabies, may be three year shots while others may be done annually. You can find out what vaccinations are due when on Pets WebMDs post HERE.
It is also likely that your vet will discuss non-core vaccines. These include Lyme, Bordetella (kennel cough), leptospirosis and influenza. They will go over the benefits and risks associated with each. Then it is up to you whether or not to get your pet vaccinated for these.

Your vet will discuss their findings with you at your pet’s annual wellness visit. If they notice any concerns they address them with you and go over the appropriate course of action. I always dread when it’s time to take the cats in. Especially with Whiskers and his sixth sense that it’s happening…You can read more on why I hate taking Whiskers to the vet HERE! The dogs are a breeze though since for some reason the LOVE a vet visit!

But I know that it is important part of being a responsible pet owner and that it is part of improving their overall level of wellbeing! So when that reminder card comes in the mail, I make sure to book all my appointments!
If you have any stories to share about visits to your vet let us know in the comments below!
It’s amazing how our fur babies need as much care and attention as we do. Regular vet visits are needed for prevention as much as for cure. Thanks fir these pointers.
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
Great post and excellent advice! I adopt a lot of seniors, and yearly blood work and urinalysis has helped us catch health issues before they became problematic.
Thank you! Yes, we just started blood tests on my two oldest cats. As much as we think they look healthy they can hide things so well that we might not even notice anything is wrong.
Yesssss, this is so important! I have friends that are confused as to why I take my indoor cats in annually. It’s because of everything you said!
Absolutely! It’s so important to catch anything early before it becomes more serious.
Great advice. Regular visit at the vet is so important. I being Ella as soon as I see her not being herself.
Yes, I spend a LOT of time at the vet even outside of their regular visits haha.
You have such beautiful animals. I really need to take my Bailey more often!! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! Taking them for their annual visit really is important!
Very good post! It’s so important to take care of our animals and keep them in the best health possible. 😊
Thanks! It really is part of keeping them as healthy and happy as we can!
It’s so important to take your fur babies to the vet regularly! They need all the love and care we can give them. Great information here. Thank you!
You’re welcome!
I’ve usually had cats, and once I had a dog when we lived in the country. I had an awesome vet who’d come out to treat my horses annually, and he’d take a look at the dog at the same time. Loved that guy!
You are a great pet mom!
Amazing information! Our fur babies need all the love and attention we can offer them, along with being healthy. Thank you for sharing.
Routine checks are so important. My vet checks for heart worm every six months, even though we use heart worm prevention.
Excellent post for pet lovers!
Great reminder! I just got my text from my vet to take my three cats in for their yearly check up. Even though they are indoor cats, they are getting on in their years, so I feel its even more important now.
This is great info! So very important!
I couldn’t agree more on taking your pet’s to their vet appointments so that they’re as healthy as they can be. It’s our responsibility 💯 Really enjoyed and loved this post. Glad you wrote it to help pet lover’s out.
Thanks! I really put a lot of effort into making sure my animals are healthy and living their best life! They give everything to us and deserve it.
My cat had a urinary obstruction, and YES he hid it well! We only found out when my daughter found a pink-colored water mark on her bed.
Cats are so good at hiding things. I’m glad you found it and got him taken care of!
I agree! So important to keep our fur babies healthy.