Can you believe that it is already August and we are coming into the last few weeks of summer? And of course this means that the kids will be going back to school soon and our dogs will be losing their best friends and companions from the past couple of months.
Just as dogs experience separation anxiety when their owners leave the house, they can also experience anxiety when their little humans return to the classroom! Particularly this year as many of our children were at home due to the pandemic for many months of the year.
But there are steps that you can take to prepare your dog for that inevitable time when the kids grab their backpacks and head back out the door.

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Start Early
My dogs are relatively used to their little human coming and going due to a joint custody arrangement, but that doesn’t stop them from being a bit depressed the first day after she leaves. Much like other separation anxiety issues, it is a good idea to start easing them into getting used to their kids being gone during the day. You can read more on separation anxiety HERE.
And don’t do it all at once as this can lead to a variety of unwanted behaviors. Start slow, perhaps a trip to the grocery store, and work up to longer periods of time. Eventually work up to what a full day without the kids around would be like. And by doing it well before school starts they will already be used to the new routine when the time comes.

Enough Exercise
We all know the saying a tired dog is a happy dog! During the summer the regular routine of the school year may have gotten thrown out the window and dogs are getting walked and played with all hours of the day!
So start getting back to the same routine that you would be using when the kids are in school over the next few weeks. Get up when you normally would and walk the dog early. Also give them a good amount of exercise when you get home for the evening. My dogs will sleep for HOURS after a good walk!

Daytime Exercise
For more exercise consider hiring a dog walker to come in and break up the day a bit. It can take a bit of due diligence and research to find a walker that is a good fit for your dog so start your search well ahead of time.
And even take a look at perhaps a doggy daycare a couple days a week! Many daycares will pick up your pup at your house and drop them off again after either a half or full day.
I know that since I have been at home with the dogs this fall could be a double whammy for them if I return to the office and my daughter returns to school. I have already engaged with a dog walker at the park that we know well and my dogs play well and get along with her other dogs. If it isn’t enough I am definitely going to look into a doggy daycare for a couple days and see how they do in that environment.

Daytime Distractions
There are a few things that you can do for your dog during to stimulate them during the day!
Prepare some frozen Kong toys for them to distract them during the morning hours. Check out some frozen Kong toy recipes on their website HERE! You can also leave out some puzzle toys for them that take some time to solve to keep them mentally stimulated during the day.
Background noise can also be a good distraction for your pups. I used to leave the radio on during the day for my dogs when I left, but my receiver has since gone on strike…I will leave the TV on low volume for the day for them if I am leaving the house for any period of time. At least until I get around to getting a new stereo…
An interactive camera is also a great way to check in on your pups during the day! A Furbo is a great way to see what your dog gets up to and also interact with them by letting them hear your voice and tossing a treat or two for them!
Doggy Door
One thing that you can consider for your dogs is getting them a dog door for use during the day! You will need to make sure that you have a secure backyard where they won’t escape though…I put in a dog door several months ago and this allows your pup to go to the bathroom and hang out in the yard whenever they want!

However, there were a few times I found them escaping and running all up and down the block! My gate was getting open somehow…I couldn’t figure it out! And then one day I discovered one day that my cat, Bubbles, would scale the gate to get into the backyard and pull the string opening the latch! I’ve since put a lock on that gate when I’m not using it…
Training your dog to use a dog door can take some time as well as I discovered! To make sure they are ready to use it when the time comes read the full post on it for tips and tricks HERE!
With a little preparation your dogs will be ready for when their favorite little people return to the classroom! Do you have any other tips for preparing your dogs for back to school? Let us know in the comments below!
I’ve been away from the house more lately and have had to use a lot of these tips, particularly with our dog that was adopted at the beginning of Covid…. handing them Kongs as we walk out the door, prioritizing exercise, etc. Great tips!
The Kong’s are a lifesaver! I find even just tossing a cup of kibble across the floor keeps them busy for long enough to get out the door sometimes as well. And when I peek in when I get back home they are usually fast asleep.
We are not going back to school in my household but I enjoyed your post. I’m looking for tips on how to leave my 9 month old puppy alone in the house.
It can take some time! My dogs were getting used to me being around every waking minute so I had to take a step back and start leaving them alone for longer periods as well.
Such pretty dogs and nice that they have a cat accomplice! haha
Haha, they actually have three cat accomplices! But where the dogs miss us I think the cats are secretly happy to have us out of the house more!
These are all great ideas! My dogs love those Kongs!
I never thought about pets needing to adjust to back to school.
Fun perspective of BTS for dogs. Totally makes sense and I’ll be sure to consider my furry kid as well as we head back this week!
Such great advice! My old guy has a hard time adjusting when one from the family travels or leaves at times.
Interesting to see things through a dogs needs.
Great tips. Having enrichment to keep them busy during the day is essential!
Great information. Your cat must be hysterical if he can open the gate – clever little thing.
Dogs are so much like the humans they live with. They are truly 4 legged children. Loved all the tips. Thanks for sharing.
What great suggestions. I’m constantly aware of separation anxiety with my dog and actively work to decrease it.
We already started leaving Ella a few hours a day. The house will be quiet without the 4 boys home. These are great tips to help our furry babies ease in the new routine.
Any change in routine is an adjustment for our pups. I very much believe that a tired dog is a good dog! Lol
These tips are excellent. Change is a big adjustment and any tip helps.
We don’t have dogs, but our cats are going to need to adjust to the house being empty again! After a year plus of everyone being home, they will probably feel lonely (or relieved)!
Good tips!!
Daytime distractions is seriously a must lol. When we’re gone our dog used to go crazy until we got home. He’s mellowed as he’s gotten older, but he still likes to have something to occupy him when we’re gone.
Great suggestions! My son and daughter in laws dog Charles has anxiety when the kids are gone. Hopefully these tips will help.
Great tips for dog parents. I always say I have so much respect for good dog parents.
I neither have kids going off to school or a dog. My cat looks really sad sometimes when I go off to work. Good points!