dog - Help! I've Got Pets Tue, 27 Jun 2023 23:06:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dog - Help! I've Got Pets 32 32 The Vet At Noah’s Ark – Book Review Tue, 27 Jun 2023 23:06:00 +0000 Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at the vet? And in particular an inner city vet? Oh and to top…

The post The Vet At Noah’s Ark – Book Review first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at the vet? And in particular an inner city vet? Oh and to top it off, an inner city vet in Los Angeles during the trial of police officers in the Rodney King case? That is the premise behind Dr. Doug Mader’s book, The Vet At Noah’s Ark: Stories of Survival From an Inner-City Animal Hospital.

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Dr. Doug Mader

Dr. Mader is a renowned veterinarian, triple board certified and with many accolades. Through his exceptional storytelling, Dr. Doug Mader takes his reader on a journey through an incredibly challenging year of events at Noah’s Ark Veterinary Hospital, an exotic animal hospital in inner-city LA.

Through his writing, we get to see everything from the struggles and daily challenges to the rewarding moments and joy. We see his love for both animals and people, as well as his dedication to them. What it takes to not just be a good veterinarian but a great one who is truly compassionate about the love and bond between people and animals.

vet, The Vet At Noah's Ark, exotic, veterinarian
Dr. Doug Mader *Image used with permission

Behind The Scenes

In this book, we get a rare glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes at the vet. From what it takes to treat anything from a tiny little mouse, to snakes, ferrets, turtles, lizards and more! And that is in addition to the usual run of cats and dogs! The split second decisions that need to be made, and finding longer-term solutions to help our pets live happier and more fulfilled lives.

We also get to see what it’s like to navigate through veterinary students and unconventional staff members. I think one of the things that stood out to me most was Dr. Mader’s compassion and willingness to give people a chance. Which leads to some very interesting and memorable characters. Readers bond with them, laugh and cry with them.

I also really enjoyed reading about the different interactions with the pet owners. And how Dr. Mader chose to put the wellbeing of pets and preserving the bond with their people above everything else. The sacrifices he made both at work and personally. It really showed the reader how much he truly cares for both the people and the pets he treated.

Inner-City LA

While I think reading about what goes on at the vet is an interesting topic in and of itself, this book takes it a step further. Being a veterinarian in an inner-city animal hospital presents its own challenges. And when you consider the timing of this book during the trial of the police officers in the Rodney King case it takes it to a whole new level.

Through reading this book we can see just how much devotion Dr. Mader and his staff have to the practice. Literally putting their lives at risk to continue to show up to work each day. Everything from encounters with hookers while getting lunch to being stabbed walking to work. I found the beating up of Dave, a dedicated and empathetic volunteer with a kind and generous heart, by police officers for being in the wrong place at the wrong time particularly heartbreaking.

In Conclusion

The Vet at Noah’s Ark is a must read for any pet lover. I tried not to give away too many spoilers while writing this because I really want the reader to explore the book for themselves. To experience the wide range of emotions it triggers, the highs and the lows, from reading through this incredible story. To laugh and to cry with it. You won’t be disappointed.

Dr. Mader has given us a gift with his story, and you get to experience what it is like to work at an animal hospital, the love and compassion involved, the bond between pets and their owners. What it is like to make personal sacrifices for the sake of this bond. You can get started with an excerpt HERE.

Be sure to pick your copy today!

The post The Vet At Noah’s Ark – Book Review first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

]]> 0 How to Care for Your Pet’s Teeth Sun, 11 Jun 2023 13:26:00 +0000 Dental care is an important part of taking care of your pet, as poor dental care can lead to health problems. My first cat,…

The post How to Care for Your Pet’s Teeth first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Dental care is an important part of taking care of your pet, as poor dental care can lead to health problems. My first cat, Gizmo, had to have several teeth removed at a young age. My pug, Nemo, also had teeth issues which led to multiple cleanings. Which isn’t fun since they need to put your pet under anesthesia to do it. Since then, dental care has been an important part of our daily lives for all of my pets!

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dog dental disease care
Gracie giving me a big smile

With the best intentions, I have TRIED to brush my dogs and cats teeth! And have you ever tried to brush a cat’s teeth??? NOT FUN! This was met with a LOT of resistance and very little success…I tried different flavors of toothpaste. I tried different approaches. The end result was that the cats never let me into their mouths to begin with…being cats of course…and the dogs? Well Grace tolerated it for a VERY short period of time. Benson, being a big scaredy cat as any of you who read that post know, was of course scared of the toothbrush and would high tail it to the door as soon as he saw it!

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The crew waiting for breakfast…Benson has great bed head

According to the AAHA, most dogs and cats will have some sort of dental issues by the age of THREE! I noticed with Grace that she started getting plaque buildup right when her adult teeth came in. So I knew I had to do something about it sooner rather than later!

Early Signs of Dental Disease

Signs of dental disease in dogs and cats tends to show up early in their lives, and can include tartar buildup, bad breath and red swollen gums. If it is not treated, it can lead to chronic pain and inflammation. Dental treatment at the vet is not fun for anyone (not to mention expensive!) so early treatment is the key here!

Signs to Watch For

Pets are EXPERTS at hiding pain so you may not realize that something is amiss! Also, dental disease may not be apparent by simply looking at your animal’s teeth as it can be hidden under the gums. Signs to watch for can include decreased appetite, lethargy or irritability.

dog dental disease care
Big grin from Benny at walk time!

With Gizmo, I noticed that he wasn’t coming to eat his food which he usually would yowl for! So off to the vet. And they found that his front teeth were broken off, had gotten impacted in his gums and caused infection requiring his front teeth to be removed!

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Taking a play break

Bubbles had an interesting situation as well…She had just come back to live with me so I did not know what her normal behaviour was and had no idea that anything was wrong. She was a bit of a cranky cat which I attributed to the adjustment from being an outdoor cat to an indoor cat. When I took her to the vet for her annual checkup they found that she had tooth resorption. This is a condition where the tooth starts to erode and be reabsorbed by the body!

This is actually quite a common condition in cats surprisingly, causing her a lot of pain. The vet removed that tooth and she was a different cat all of a sudden!! Much more friendly and loving. As this condition can reoccur in other teeth, I make sure that she gets to the vet for her annual checkup.

cat dental disease care
Bubbles yelling at me for her supper

Health Conditions

Dental disease in your pet can end up leading to other health issues. Besides tooth loss, the blood stream can carry bacteria from the gums to your pet’s kidneys, liver and heart which is why proper oral care is so important for our pets!


It is recommended that you try to brush your pet’s teeth daily to prevent dental disease. Your pet’s annual vet checkup is also an important step in early detection of dental problems. However, with my experience and the inability to actually brush their teeth I ended up looking to other solutions.

Pet food was the first thing I looked to! My cats and dogs both eat Hills Science Diet Oral Care food. It is a larger kibble designed to clean your pet’s teeth when they bite it. And the best part is that it seems to taste great to my pets! And all other pets as well…I don’t even need to buy any other treats for the dogs, as they will come running for a piece of kibble! And Grace and Benson will pick that kibble out of the bowl before eating their other food! All the dogs at the dog park really like it too and I am frequently asked by other owners what treats I am giving out…

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Grace gnawing on a marrow bone

My cats have great teeth when we go in for checkups now. But it still wasn’t quite enough to keep my dog’s teeth entirely clean. I give Grace and Benson frozen marrow bones once a week, which acts to brush and floss your dog’s teeth if there is enough meat and cartilage left on them. The marrow can cause some stomach sensitivities in some dogs however.

Grace and Benson were also getting a dog teeth brushing chew but I found that raw frozen chicken feet are nothing short of amazing! Their teeth at 3.5 years old look perfect! It’s a bit gross to watch them eat them, but hey it works! And it also comes with the added benefit of joint support since they have an abundance of protein, glucosamine and chondroitin.

Brushing their teeth daily is still the best way to clean your pet’s teeth, but I have found that my cats and dogs have good oral health with the steps I have taken above.

What to Avoid

If you are considering bones for your dog, it is important to find the right ones!! They should be raw as smoked and cooked bones can splinter and end up causing other health issues. Also, if they are too hard for your dog they can crack and break their teeth (I have heard of this issue with antler chews).

Size also matters! You want to make sure that you are getting bones that are too large for your pet to swallow. With my beasts this means finding the biggest bones I can!!

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Nemo chilling on the beach


Treatment of dental disease is done at the vet, and requires general anesthesia. The anesthesia in itself carries its own risks and I try to avoid it. It is also particularly risky to older pets. Nemo had really bizarre teeth and had to have dental cleaning twice and each time it was a nerve wracking process!

Prevention really is the best way to keep your pets happy and healthy! Dental care is an important part of caring for our pets and ensuring that you are taking care of it properly is vital to their overall health.

Be sure to read our other posts for more health tips!

The post How to Care for Your Pet’s Teeth first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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Do You Know What Your Pet Dreams About? Mon, 15 May 2023 23:33:11 +0000 Do dogs or cats dream? Absolutely!! But do you know what they dream about??? There’s that moment where they are soundly sleeping, then you…

The post Do You Know What Your Pet Dreams About? first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Do dogs or cats dream? Absolutely!! But do you know what they dream about??? There’s that moment where they are soundly sleeping, then you notice a paw twitch…or a strange sound they are making…My Benny has had moments where it actually looks like he’s in some epic chase with the squirrels who always dart up a tree at seemingly the very last moment! It might not be as noticeable with cats…They are masters at hiding emotion…But you can bet there are dreams of mice kebobs going through their heads as well!

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cat dog sleep dream nightmare
Whiskers cozied up by the fire for a few zzz’s

About Dog and Cat Sleep

Dogs and cats sleep a LOT as any pet owner can attest to! Most cats and dogs sleep on average 12 to 16 hours a day with cats generally sleeping more than dogs. Although I can tell you my Bernese Mountain dogs give my cats a run for the money when it comes to sleep time…You can read more on Bernese Mountain dogs HERE!

But dogs and cats sleep so much for entirely different reasons! With cats, it is largely due to their genetic history of being predators. It takes a lot of energy for those intense bursts to catch that pesky little mouse! Whereas for dogs it can be attributed to rest after play or a walk, or could be out of just plain boredom! It’s also about sorting out all the fun things that happened during the day!

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Fawkes the Bernedoodle having a big nap!

REM Sleep – Where the Dream Magic Happens

The first stage in sleep in both humans and our pets is slow wave sleep, or SWS. The dog’s mind is relaxed but they are still ready to jump up at the slightest provocation as their muscles are not yet fully relaxed. And cats may appear to be asleep but they are generally just dozing and also ready to snap in to action!

The next stage of sleep is where that dream magic happens! The rapid eye movement stage, or REM, is where deeper sleep occurs. According to VCA Animal Hospital this happens for your dog after about 20 minutes of sleep. You may notice their eyes moving (hence the name) as their minds are active and your pup may also be making some sort of a noise, chuffing or barking and their legs may be twitching! And this is when you know your dog is immersed in dreamland! I love watching when my dogs are dreaming although by the time I get the camera out they are already done…

However, cats are a bit different from dogs. They don’t tend to enter a deep sleep for as long, perhaps only a matter of minutes! So this could be a reason why you don’t tend to catch your cat mid-dream as often as you do your dog!

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Mr. Dior the Sphynx enjoying a warm cuddle and nap

So…What Are These Dog and Cat Dreams About?

It should come as no surprise that your dog or cat dreams about experiences they have had! I’m sure Benson dreams of chasing squirrels…or rolling on the beach…Where Miss Gracie could be dreaming of doing her favorite self-appointed job of being a foot warmer and getting her ears scratched! I would also like to think dogs dream of their owners and all the love and cuddles they get from their humans!

The cats? Besides world domination, they could be dreaming of a nice cuddle (on their terms that is) with their owner. Or maybe about chasing mice or squirrels (ambitious but my Ragdoll stalks squirrels all day long in the summer…although he’s never been brave enough to actually close the deal). Or they could even be dreaming of playing with a great catnip toy!

dream sleep dog cat pet nightmare bernese
How is that even comfortable?

Do Cats and Dogs Have Nightmares?

If cats and dogs can dream, then it is fair to say that they can have nightmares as well. You might notice more intense movements, growling or whining or even a potential yelp. You can help your pet have happier dreams by making sure that they have great experiences during their day and avoid unpleasant experiences. No one knows your pet better than you do so be sure to be aware of their likes and dislikes.

Should You Wake Up A Pet During a Dream or Nightmare?

In one word: No. You should try not to wake up your pet if they are deep asleep and mid-dream! Although I know that I don’t have much of an inclination to wake up my pets if they are dreaming because I find it simply adorable to watch.

However, it can be much more tempting to wake up your pet if it looks like they are in distress and immersed in a nightmare. Waking them up can startle them though and put you at risk of injury if your pet wakes with an overreaction (like a bite or a nip).

If you do need to wake up a sleeping pet be sure to do it slowly and calmly.

cat calico dream sleep nightmare dog pet
Purrrrfect place for a nap!

Sweet Dreams!

So I think it’s fair to say that dogs and cats experience dreams much as we do! So be sure to give your pet plenty of cuddles and love and positive experiences to send them off to dreamland happy!

If you like what you are reading be sure to stick around check out more of our posts!

cane corso lab dog pet cat dream sleep nightmare
Sweet dreams Minnow!

The post Do You Know What Your Pet Dreams About? first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

]]> 0 How To Have A Safe Halloween With Pets Fri, 07 Oct 2022 17:30:14 +0000 My favorite season is among us, and it’s time to get spoooooky again! Halloween is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year but that…

The post How To Have A Safe Halloween With Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

My favorite season is among us, and it’s time to get spoooooky again! Halloween is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year but that means we have to think about how to have a safe Halloween when you have pets! Oh and of course it is also time to think about what costumes we are going to be getting! My bears have outgrown the vast majority of costumes you can buy in the store and I’m considering just throwing a white sheet over them for ghosts and calling it a day!

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Halloween safety cats dogs kittens puppies
An amazing pumpkin display!

Halloween Decorations

Halloween decorations are the first thing to come out as we get closer to the big day. I know I have been working on my yard for the last couple of days once we got into October! However, decorations can present a multitude of dangers not only to our pets but to wildlife in general!

There can be wires that can be chewed and you have to watch for small decorations that can be swallowed as they present a choking hazard! I love to use a ton of artificial spiderwebs out in the yard as well, but be careful since these can entangle not only your pet but local wildlife! Last year I had to rescue a squirrel from mine…

cat ragdoll halloween safety pets dogs
Whiskers staging an attack on the pumpkin I was about to carve

Halloween Candy and A Safe Halloween With Pets

Candy and chocolate is a must at Halloween! And chocolate is a no-go where pet safety is concerned. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats due to the theobromine content as well as caffeine content. And the darker the chocolate the higher the theobromine content…According to the AKC one ounce of milk chocolate per pound of body weight is a concerning dose. If your dog consumes chocolate watch for vomiting and diarrhea, restlessness, and an increased heart rate. Since eating chocolate can also cause seizures and in some cases death you should consult your veterinarian.

Sugar free candy is another one to watch our for! This includes certain types of candy, mints and chewing gum. This is because sugar free candy contains xylitol which is also toxic to dogs and cats. Xylitol can cause listless and weakness in dogs as well as cause vomiting or collapse.

Halloween safety pets cats dogs kittens puppies
Halloween candy prepared and ready to go!

So really, the best thing to do is keep all Halloween candy out of reach to your pets (not only the contents but the wrapper can cause issues if ingested!). If your cat or dog manages to get into something they shouldn’t be sure to keep a close eye on them in case of adverse reactions. And of course consult with your vet.

A Safe Halloween With Pets and Costumes

Even as a fully grown adult with a daughter of my own, there is nothing I love more than planning my Halloween costume! And the dogs too! The cats? Ummmmm, yeah right haha. If I thought I could get away with it I would!

Halloween safety pets dogs cats
Grace looking every bit the superhero she is!

But did you know that there are things you need to take into consideration when picking out a costume for your pet? Pets can be prone to overheating in a cumbersome costume. So be sure to keep a close eye on your pet to make sure they aren’t showing signs of heat exhaustion in their costume. You can read more on heat exhaustion in dogs HERE.

Be sure to watch for anything that they can rip off or ingest as well.

And some costumes can be difficult to walk in and you definitely don’t want to put them in something that could restrict them from going to the bathroom! As I mentioned above I may just throw a sheet over my dogs this year…or another idea I have seen is just making a Ty heart and attaching it to their collar so they look like giant beanie babies! Sweet and simple!

Halloween safety pets dogs cats
Grace watching the Halloween decorations go up!

Halloween Pet Safety On The Big Night

Although my dogs love Halloween because they love attention from anyone and everyone, your pet may not be the same. While you socialize your dog and get them used to many sights and sounds at a young age, costumes aren’t your typical everyday appearance and could be alarming. There are also lots of extra sounds and excitement and doorbells being rung.

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One of the pumpkins we carved last year

If your pet isn’t a fan of the ghosts and goblins, you can consider crating them away from the action in a quiet spot. Or if a crate isn’t your dog’s thing then sectioning off a quiet room for them. White noise can also help mask the extra sounds that come with Halloween. CBD could also be a good option to help your pet stay calm. You can read more on CBD for dogs HERE!

We would love to see your Halloween costumes with your pets!! Post them in the comments below!

The post How To Have A Safe Halloween With Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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How To Budget With A Pet Thu, 06 Oct 2022 11:09:14 +0000 Figuring out how to budget with a pet is more important than ever! Many people ended up getting a new pet during the pandemic.…

The post How To Budget With A Pet first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Figuring out how to budget with a pet is more important than ever! Many people ended up getting a new pet during the pandemic. And a lot of those were first time pet owners which for the unprepared can come with a bit of sticker shock as time goes on! We are now also seeing economic strains with inflation skyrocketing and interest rates rising rapidly across the globe. Unfortunately, this is leading to an increase in animals being abandoned or given to shelters as the financial strain of having a pet in the house is becoming simply too much.

It is so important to know what to expect on a yearly basis in terms of budget. Not to mention what the cost is over a lifetime of owning a pet. Having five pets I am fully versed in the costs of pet ownership! But it is heartbreaking for both pets and their owners to have to make the decision between keeping a pet or paying rent. A decision no one should be forced to make. So read on to find out what to expect before you bring a pet home and also for budget cutting tips!

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Bernese mountain dog puppies 2 months 5 months budget
Grace and Benson as puppies going for a car ride!

You’ve Made The Decision To Get A Pet

Congratulations! You have made the decision to get a pet! You are now likely doing some research and finding out more things such as the right breed/animal for your household and what to expect in terms of behavior and training once they arrive! But have you thought about the cost of the first year? Or the years after that? Or increasing costs once they enter their senior years?

Even the size of a pet alone can have a big impact on your budget. Got a big dog? That is a bigger food bill. And a bigger medication bill since many are dosed according to weight. I won’t even tell you what it costs to get Grace a monthly allergy shot…Not to mention it can cost more to find a dog walker willing to take on a large dog. And while you might be head over heels in love with that little pug face, you should be prepared for more health issues over their lifetime.

It sounds like a lot to consider. But by doing your research and knowing where you can save costs it can help you to prepare for a lifetime of joy with your pet! Read on to find out more!

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Bubbles watching over baby Miesha after she came home

Startup Costs

Yes there are costs you are going to incur before that new little fluffball even crosses your doorstep! The first being the cost of acquiring your new pet in the first place! If you are looking for a new kitten or puppy on a budget, a rescue or a shelter should be the first place you visit. Besides their adoption fees being fairly reasonable you will also be giving that pet a chance for a new life! You can read more on the importance of adopting a shelter pet HERE.

If you are going the purebred route be prepared to pay MUCH more out of the gates unless you consider a rescue. And don’t let that tempt you to go for the too good to be true deal on a purebred puppy or kitten. Because there is a higher chance it is coming from a puppy mill and you will likely end up incurring more health problems and vet bills down the road. If not immediately…Read HERE on what to look for in a breeder…and what to avoid…

Basset Hound puppy how to budget for a pet
Murphy the Basset Hound puppy getting head scritches

Kitten and Cat Supplies

To be prepared to welcome a cat into your new home, at a minimum you will need to have food and water bowls, food, a kitty litter box and litter. I would also recommend a scratching post (unless you like the look of shredded furniture and rugs as they get used to sharpen kitty claws!) and some treats and toys. Kittens in particular are a bundle of energy! Tiring them out with toys leaves them with less reason to do acrobatics off your curtains!

You will also need to have a carrier to bring them home as well as take them to the vet. A collar with identification is also a good idea in case of escape…which they are masters at! And a brush helps to limit the amount of cat hair floating around and prevent matting in longer-haired cats. You can also look at a cat bed…But I have found mine are just as content (if not more so) to cuddle up on an old comfy blanket or sweater.

Bernese mountain dog puppy mischief how to budget for a pet
Grace getting into mischief with her food bowl stand!

Puppy and Dog Supplies

If you are getting a new puppy you might find yourself needing more in terms of supplies than with a kitten out of the gates! Besides the same bowls/food/toys you are at a minimum going to need a crate, collar and leash as well as poop bags, chew deterrents, puppy pads and training treats. You can read more on what to expect with a new puppy HERE.

And you have to think about what that puppy could destroy…I had to rip up all of the upstairs carpet since Grace ever so kindly decided to use it as a giant puppy pad…Or the massage chair that had the wires chewed through and went to the curb…

Bernese mountain dog puppy and Ragdoll cat budget with pet
Whiskers says thanks Mom for the Bernese puppy!

The First Year – How To Budget With A Pet For Initial Vet Bills

Besides the initial checkup with your vet once they come home, there are many more vet bills to be incurred in the first year. Particularly if you have a kitten or a puppy! They may need to be dewormed, vaccinated, spayed or neutered and more. And if you have a female the spay is more expensive than it is to neuter a male since it is a more invasive/involved surgery. If your new pet has other issues (diarrhea is a common one…) there could be more costs to consider as well. Oh right, don’t forget about flea, tick and heartworm medication…

How To Budget With A Pet For Emergencies

Puppies and kittens are also mischievous and playful by nature! You can expect them to get themselves into all kinds of situations that could require an emergency vet visit. Be prepared to have something put aside for the “just in case” scenario. I have been fortunate with my pets so far! But went into panic mode when Benson chewed the hooked end of a hanging planter off…And I ended up sticking my entire hand down his throat to retrieve it…

how to budget with a pet cat dog puppy kitten
Baby Parmesan over for a play date!

How To Budget With A Pet For Food

And of course now that your new pet is home you need to keep them fed right? Sure the grocery store food might be a cheaper option than a better quality one at a pet store…However, the hidden cost is that your pet may not be getting the proper nutrition and it could impact their health and teeth down the road. Which of course leads to more vet bills…Dental care for pets is NOT cheap.

How To Budget With A Pet For Toys

Cats and dogs of all ages need enrichment. Which means you will be wanting to have some toys on hand! But beware many of the cheap toys which can be hazardous to your pet’s health! Rope toys can unravel and be ingested and create blockages that require surgery. Hard rubber balls can be swallowed and choked on. And other toys that get torn apart can have parts that can also be dangerous when ingested. Best bet is to get something more durable even if it’s a bit more…

How To Budget With A Pet In Terms Of Ongoing Annual Costs

Regular vet visits, vaccinations, parasite control and of course food costs will be ongoing. If you have a dog and work outside of the home for more than four hours a day you are probably going to be looking at a dog walker or doggy daycare. Which can add up in a hurry. You will likely also need to be replacing collars, leashes and toys due to regular wear and tear. With my Berners and their growth rate over the first two or so years of their life I went through many before they were even worn out!

But outside of emergencies, you should have a pretty good idea what to expect and budget for once they get older. Although recent upticks in inflation are making this more difficult.

Bernese Mountain dog puppy how to budget with a pet
Grace choosing me when I went to pick out my puppy

Budgeting For The Senior Years

As much as we hate thinking about it, our pets will eventually enter old age. Which means we need to keep a more watchful eye on their health. I know with two of my cats getting into older territory we are now doing bloodwork at our annual wellness visits. And I am taking them back more frequently to address age-related issues. If you want to keep your pet comfortable as they age, put aside a bit extra if you can in case of age-related issues requiring vet visits. I think there is nothing sadder than seeing senior pets living out their last days in a shelter…

Creating Your Budget

Now you should have a good idea what to expect over the lifetime of pet ownership. And it’s important to make sure that you know how to budget for them.

Thinking Outside The Box When Preparing A Budget For A Pet

In terms of vet bills, you can get a wide variety of costs at different vets. Do your research before choosing a vet and when you have found a few to narrow it down to get referrals for the best option. For a neuter or spay your local humane society may be able to do it for a substantially lower cost than you would find at a vet. But make sure to call early because they can end up getting booked up pretty early…You don’t want to wait too long and end up with an oops…Or a male cat that sprays anything and everything in your house…

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Big yawn from Whiskers after a play session

With so many pet stores out there (both online and in real life) it can be overwhelming. But many of them have sales that you can take advantage of. It may take a bit of careful planning but finding that great sale or coupon could be extremely helpful to a tight budget.

Also think about learning how to groom your pet at home since professional grooming can add up quickly! In terms of treats, consider buying a mold and making your own treats at home! It is also not only a great way to make nutritious treats but also great in terms of savings!

Budget With A Pet – In Conclusion

Knowing what you are facing when you get a pet is an important first step to ensure that you are fully prepared! With the additional first year costs with a puppy or kitten, if that seems out of reach for your budget you can always consider rescuing an older animal!

You can find a summary of the costs of owning a cat or kitten on the Ontario Veterinary Medical Associations webpage HERE and for a puppy or dog HERE.

In the US you can find the ASPCA’s table of pet ownership HERE.

If you find yourself in a dire situation reach out to some pet charities and see if they can help with some donations before considering rehoming or giving up your pet. After all, your pets are a part of your family.

The post How To Budget With A Pet first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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How To Find The Best Pet Sitter For Your Pets Mon, 07 Mar 2022 15:24:28 +0000 Finding a reliable pet sitter is something near and dear to my heart. Last summer I thought I had it made when I decided…

The post How To Find The Best Pet Sitter For Your Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Finding a reliable pet sitter is something near and dear to my heart. Last summer I thought I had it made when I decided to have someone stay in the house to pet sit and look after the house and garden. In exchange we would pay a fee comparable to other pet/house sitters. My daughter and I left for our two and a half week road trip back home and I had peace of mind. However, upon our return things obviously were NOT as smooth as I had hoped…

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pet sitter house sitter cat dog
Whiskers stretched out by the fire

The Unpleasant Return Home

Even while I was away I figured things were fine. I was getting cute texts and photos and nothing was ever said otherwise. What I found on my return home was FAR from fine. The dogs were stressed and disheveled, and two of my three cats that were declared “in the basement, I don’t know, I haven’t seen them” were actually outside and missing.

They finally, nervously came home and were scared to come in initially. They were hungry. The house was an absolute disgusting mess. This was complete with water and mold in the basement, stains on the marble countertops, rotting fruit in the sink, ripped sheets and much more.

I declared I would never, ever leave my pets alone with a sitter again! This was a referral from a friend’s ex-wife. What could go wrong, right? She came to visit the dogs several times and walked them both with hers and with me there in case she needed help. She knew the layout of the neighborhood and the schedule. I thought I had the perfect pet sitting and house sitting solution!

What I Learned

What I learned is that not just anyone can look after your pets. My Bernese Mountain Dogs Grace and Benson, while good, are BIG and can be a handful if they so choose (Read THIS story to see what I mean)! They need a firm hand on walks! And you need to constantly reinforce good training habits with them or Benson will rip your arm out of its socket going after a squirrel!

The sitter last summer tried suing me for this very reason for physiotherapy, and also claimed to fall down on my property and live with mold (that she created…) and got town council and lawyers involved…After causing thousands of dollars of damage to my home and neglecting my animals…Oh, and after coming to walk them to get to know them ahead of time.

So this time around I decided that I needed to take a different approach and go the professional route or at least ensure that I had someone that would actually be competent with my pets. And hopefully not let the house and garden go to ruins (the sitter last summer did a walk around the yard with me to see what needed taking care of…declared in her email to lawyers that she was not hired to be a gardener when everything was dead upon returning home).

find pet sitter cat dog
Grace living her best life at home

The Dogs

There is no question that it takes someone with big dog experience to watch Grace and Benson. When the lady that came told me that her family has a Bernese that she watched. It made me feel good about leaving the dogs with someone who knew the breed.

Boy, was I wrong! I’m not sure what kind of experience she really had! According to walkers, friends and neighbors the dogs were barely getting out and never at the same time. And as mentioned above, they were stressed out. Berners are a sensitive breed. Any amount of yelling or harsh discipline towards them does not help and makes them shut down. You can read more about Bernese Mountain dogs HERE.

The Cats

The cats are super easy. If you meet their basic needs (food, shelter, water) they pretty much take care of themselves! Asking where the cats were and being told they were in the basement I headed down to find them. Miesha was the ONLY cat in the house! Panicking, I ran outside and frantically started calling Bubbles and Whiskers since they had been out for who knows how long!

Bubbles, who is a treat fiend, showed up first when I went out shaking treats. She was scared, hungry and had lost weight. Looking at the house nervously, I managed to coax her over to me, gently pick her up and carry her inside. She looked around frantically and retreated to hide.

pet sitter cat dog house sitter vacation
Miesha doing her best big cat impression

Calling and calling (Whiskers doesn’t like treats, weirdo!), there was no sign of him. Finally after dark he showed up wild eyed and looking everywhere! It took some convincing, but he finally came back in the house as well. And I had my family back together again.

The Next Vacation Looming…

After not travelling anywhere but home for the past two years due to the pandemic…I did something crazy…I booked us a trip to Mexico this spring! After being conditioned to just stay inside and stick close to home, just hitting the “BOOK NOW” button was a huge feat…Then it hit me…WHAT was I going to do with the animals…


I considered boarding with the dogs. However, I am not a fan of confinement during boarding which immediately crossed a lot of places off the list. My dogs are really comfortable at the farm outside the city where they go for day trips though. And they have spent the night there before. They are welcome to roam their home for their stay. However, they aren’t booking boarding at this time.

how to find a pet sitter cat dog bernese mountain dog
Gracie and Benny hanging in the backyard

I could also have considered placing them in someone’s home in the city but the dogs don’t do well in strange environments and Benson will end up pooping everywhere…inside and out…as he did in the RV and at my parent’s house when I took him home two summers ago…And even if I boarded the dogs, I’d still need to find someone to check in on the cats because boarding with them just isn’t an option.

An Alternative Solution

All this led me to start getting online and doing more investigating. And one option that really seemed worth checking out to me was a take on house swapping. You set up a profile, pay an annual fee and put up a listing for your home and your pets. I went with Trusted House Sitters and set up a profile and a listing for the dates we would be away.

The idea is that someone who is either visiting your area or in your area even comes to stay in your home. In exchange for free lodging, they take care of your pets and your home! They do background checks, ID checks and you can see references and reviews. Depending on what level of membership you sign up for there are other perks such as content insurance and lounge access at airports! You can even sign up to pet sit for someone else when you are travelling!

pet sitter dog cat
Snow day!!!

Within a matter of two days I had a sitter lined up for the pets and the house! I have been very pleased with the process so far. I have been diligently working on filling out the Welcome Manual and am optimistic for a good experience! I’ll be sure to write an update post-trip!



There are so many things you need to take into consideration if you are leaving your pet! I was just far too trusting and didn’t do enough due diligence. The first thing to consider is the type of animal you have! Most cats are MUCH more comfortable at home! When we first moved into our home I didn’t find Whiskers for three days!

Many cats without medical issues will be fine left at home alone with sufficient food, water and access to kitty litter for a couple days (think a weekend). It is worth having someone stop by every couple of days to check in though just to make sure all is well.


Dogs, on the other hand, need more hands on care (I know I’m stating the obvious as dogs really are just like children who never grow up!). Only you know your dog and what they will tolerate in terms of boarding and care. At a very minimum they should be up to date on their shots and healthy. Will your dog do well if they are crated for periods of time? If so, then you should have a good amount of options available.

If not, you could consider in home sitting or having your dogs visit a dog sitter’s home for the duration of your trip. My dogs are most comfortable in their own environment which is why I find it important to find someone who is able to come stay with them in their own home.

Age or Other Conditions

Age of the animal also makes a difference. A young kitten should not be left at home unsupervised for long periods of time because they can get into so much trouble! You know, chewing wires, shredding curtains, getting caught up in something…And older cats and dogs can also need extra care which is where in home sitting situations may be a better option. If your animal has any medical needs an in-home sitter can ensure they are getting the proper care and attention they need.

finding a cat dog pet sitter
Cozied up by the fire

What To Look For


Does the pet sitter you are considering have the appropriate experience with your animals? Cats generally are easier than dogs since they are pretty much self-sufficient once their basic needs are met. They may have some attention and grooming requirements. If they have medication requirements, you may need a pet sitter who is experienced in administering medications including pills, drops and injections (i.e. for diabetic cats requiring insulin – you can read more on feline diabetes HERE).

Dogs on the other hand are much more dependent on their caregiver. They require exercise and attention. They may be more laid back or very energetic! My dogs are gentle giants, but I still need someone with experience handling large dogs or it can be an issue as I mentioned above. If you can, try to have your pets meet your pet sitter ahead of time to see how they react with and handle your pets.

pet sitter what to look for cat dog
Chilly beach day


Reference checks are important! You want to find out what experience the other pet owners had first hand. This is where I really like Trusted House Sitters since you can see reviews from previous pet siting visits right from the pet owners easily on the website. Be sure to have a list of questions to ask so you are getting all the information you need! Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions.

Are They Insured?

Liability insurance helps cover issues such as accidents and negligence (such as damage to your home or injury to your pet). They could also be bonded to protect against theft, which also includes having a background check. Having some sort of insurance provides you with additional peace of mind.

If I had done a proper search and found either a pet sitter with insurance or a company that provides coverage I would not have had to worry as much when I came home to find damage to my home last summer. I am just thankful that my animals (when they were all back home) did not have any injuries. The cats that were left outside easily could have been killed by a predator with the foxes and coyotes in the neighborhood. There was also an instance of the leash being let go as Benson chased a squirrel and ran across a busy road.

Additional Certification or Training

Does your pet sitter have any additional certification or training? Like pet first aid? It is important for you to know that your pet will be looked after properly in case of an emergency or if a health issue arises!

what to look for good pet cat dog sitter
Nothing like a good belly rub!

Make It A Success!

We all want a pet sitting experience to be a success for all parties involved! There are a few things that you can do ahead of time to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Pet-Sitting Manual

Be prepared with a pet sitting manual! Be sure to provide as much information and be as thorough as you can with regard to:

  1. Feeding schedule
  2. Exercise schedule
  3. Special needs
  4. Likes and dislikes
  5. Personality
  6. How to look after your house
  7. Where to find things in your neighbourhood
  8. What to avoid

By giving your pet sitter all the information ahead of time it can head off problems down the road and make things much more smooth for your pet and your pet sitter!

Meet Ahead of Time

Meeting your pet sitter and having them interact is important as well if you are able to arrange such a meeting ahead of time. You can see if your pets are comfortable with your pet sitter and vice versa. This helps you determine if they are a good fit.

In Conclusion

I have learned a lot through my experience what to look for (and what not to do) when bringing someone into your home to look after your pets. Hopefully after reading this you have a good idea as well what you think would be the best solution regarding finding a pet sitter for your pets!

Let me know in the comments below what you have found works for you!

The post How To Find The Best Pet Sitter For Your Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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The Amazing Benefits Of Ultra Oil For Pets Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:13:15 +0000 This post is sponsored, but all opinions are honest and my own. I have been thinking a lot about adding supplements to my dogs’…

The post The Amazing Benefits Of Ultra Oil For Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

This post is sponsored, but all opinions are honest and my own.

I have been thinking a lot about adding supplements to my dogs’ diet. They are big dogs (Bernese Mountain dogs to be exact!), and are prone to hip and joint issues as well as allergies! While both dogs do have allergies, my poor Gracie girl seems to suffer worse and has had nothing but troubles with her skin the past several months. Red and itchy rashes and some small hot spots! She was also starting to lose her hair around her armpits and belly. And both dogs were chewing their paws a LOT.

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Meet Ultimate Oil For Pets

At Ultra Oil they love their pets and are dedicated to improving their wellbeing and overall quality of life with their product! They have made an all natural, human grade non GMO supplement oil for your pet! It is the perfect balance of all the oils that are essential to your pet.


The primary ingredient in Ultra Oil For Pets is cold-pressed hemp seed oil! This method of extraction avoids the use of harsh chemicals and maintains the integrity of the nutritious content and vitamins found in hemp seed oil. The Omega 3, 6, and 9 found in hemp seed oil is great for your dog’s fur, skin and nails!

The next ingredients are flaxseed oil and fish oil. The flaxseed oil is high in Omega-6 and fish oil is Omega-3 rich! Omega-3 is the type of good fat needed for your dog’s body and brain! Grapeseed oil is also added which helps to naturally preserve the oil and acts as an antioxidant! Overall, Ultra Oil For Pets contains all the healthy fats your dog needs!


There are a multitude of benefits of using Ultra Oil For Pets! The first thing you will notice is how healthy and shiny your dog’s coat is! Ultra Oil For Pets addresses a multitude of skin and coat issues, including flaky skin, hot spots, allergic breakouts and other skin and coat irritations. It also alleviates itching and scratching!! I know I have experienced a drastic improvement in all these areas in Grace and Benson!

I didn’t realize it at the beginning but Ultra Oil For Pets also addresses joint issues and pain and can result in an increase in energy levels as a result of increased metabolism! This is primarily a result derived from the flaxseed oil and fish oil in addition to the hemp seed oil!

Heart health is another benefit!! Sardine oil has taurine in it, and it needs to be supplemented since cats and most dogs don’t produce it on their own (or produce very little). Taurine deficiency can cause dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), where the chambers of the heart get enlarged and there can be thinning of the heart muscle! This can ultimately lead to a pet’s death, so it is a vital part of their diet.

Ultra Oil for Pets can also lower LDL cholesterol levels, help with organ function, boost immunity levels and reduce shedding!

My Experience

When the package came, I was really excited! It was packaged really well, with the oil tightly packed into a sturdy box. The container of oil itself was also wrapped in plastic. However, there was still a bit of spillage inside the container. But the company has a a return policy for these types of circumstances which you can find HERE.

The container itself has clear, easy to read instructions on how much to give your dog based on their weight. And the pump for the larger container is a nice feature to help you avoid spills!

The first thing I noticed about Ultra Oil is that there is virtually no smell! And even more importantly my dogs love it! Grace and Benson are grazers with their food and often won’t come to eat right when I feed them. But once I started using Ultra Oil and mixing it in with their supper they will both eat immediately!

ultra oil for pets dogs skin benefits allergies
Grace and Benson’s first taste of Ultra Oil For Pets!


As with any new supplement, the changes take place gradually. I can tell you though that even after the first week my dog’s coat is amazingly shiny and healthy looking! I get a LOT of compliments on the condition of their coat. And with Bernese, there is a lot of coat to keep healthy! You should start noticing changes in your dog’s coat within 4-5 days.

ultra oil for pets dogs hempseed oil benefits
Shiny Grace and Benson!

Grace’s skin condition took a while longer to see some changes. Before I started using Ultra Oil, Grace had red spots and small hot spots all over her belly and around her armpits. Lots of them. And they seemed to be incredibly itchy, she was constantly trying to get at it and was really uncomfortable.

I want to put in a word of caution here if your dog has a sensitive stomach. Mine do, so I should have gradually introduced them to the oil…I did not so my dogs had upset stomachs for the first couple days. But they were back to their normal selves in no time! The company actually makes recommendations for dogs with sensitive stomachs (which I should have paid closer attention to!). This includes starting with a half dose and gradually work up to a full dose, or alternatively start with a half dose twice a day to reduce sensitivities and allow your dog to get used to the oil.


I noticed that within a couple weeks the redness was dramatically improved! The worst spots still seemed a bit red, but Grace wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable! According to the company, it can take as many as 3-4 weeks to see improvements on these red areas and hot spots. But I was seeing it much quicker than that!

After waiting the full 5 weeks, I am pleased to report that Grace doesn’t seem to have a single red spot or hot spot left! She is a much happier dog!!! I expected some improvement but I was really pleasantly surprised that her skin cleared up entirely! She had some dandruff as well…GONE! She can also smell pretty bad at times with her allergies, but I noticed even this improved as her skin cleared up! You can see the full progression over time in the pictures below, including new hair growth!

And I’m not sure if it is directly related to the use of Ultra Oil or not, but she had a fatty lump on her back that seems to have completely disappeared as well! I have been keeping a close eye on it to make sure it was not increasing in size…and I can’t find it at all now!! I also noticed an improvement in her hips. She would struggle at times to get up, but since using Ultra Oil I haven’t noticed this at all recently!


Benson didn’t have the same skin issues as Grace did but was still chewing his paws almost incessantly. To the point where he was wearing the hair off them and I was worried he was going to get sores. But I haven’t seen him go after his paws now for several weeks!

And have I mentioned how shiny he is?? His coat is simply stunning since using Ultra Oil!

ultra oil for pets dog shiny coat hempseed oil omega
Benson practically glows!

In Conclusion

Overall, I am very satisfied with Ultra Oil For Pets! Grace and Benson’s coats are healthy and shiny, their skin looks great and they love it! Benson in particular can be a bit of a fussy eater and gets turned off his food super fast. But that has not been the case since using Ultra Oil! If you are looking for a product to help with any of these issues, I would definitely give consideration to Ultra Oil For Pets. You can visit their webpage HERE, or purchase their product directly from their webpage HERE!

The post The Amazing Benefits Of Ultra Oil For Pets first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise? Mon, 20 Dec 2021 09:11:00 +0000 The amount of exercise varies greatly between dogs, so how do you know how much exercise is enough??? My two Berners are relatively low…

The post Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise? first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

The amount of exercise varies greatly between dogs, so how do you know how much exercise is enough??? My two Berners are relatively low energy, but they still need to get out for at least an hour a day! I can tell when they haven’t had enough because they go thundering through the house getting into EVERYTHING! This is usually a monsoon rain kind of a day scenario.

And is it just me or do you feel some sort of guilt if you skip a walk and your dog is looking forlornly out the window or at their leash? I know when I’m in my office working and can’t get out with them, they will sit out in the hallway and just look miserable…Benson will occasionally start grunting and whining…

is my dog getting enough exercise
He came in like a wrecking ball…

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Factors To Take Into Consideration

Breed and Size

First things first. The size and breed of your dog are going to determine their individual exercise needs. You can learn more about picking the right breed of dog for you HERE! Don’t get me wrong though, there are exceptions with every breed!! There is one super high energy Bernese in my neighborhood…He gets walked four times by lunch…Definitely NOT typical!

But don’t let the size of a dog fool you either! My bears are HUGE and, well, relatively low energy dogs. They have their moments, but after an hour walk they sleep for about six hours! And I have seen tiny dogs that just. dont. stop.

dog exercise getting enough signs
But how can I walk if I can’t SEE!?!


Age is also a factor to take into consideration when determine how much exercise they need! Puppies play a lot, and sleep a lot! But really young puppies should not be walked for long distances or periods of time. And when dogs get into their senior years their exercise needs can change again. Be sure to be mindful of your dog’s stage in their life cycle when you look at exercise.

But in general, most dogs need at least 30-60 minutes of exercise a day to stay healthy (and out of trouble!). Keep reading to find the signs your dog may need more exercise and ways to increase their physical activity level!

how do you know if your dog is getting enough exercise
Pawprints in the sand

What To Look For

Body Condition

Your dog’s body condition is the first thing you need to look at to see if enough exercise is being had! I know that it can be tough since you are seeing your dog all the time and you might not necessarily see these changes immediately!

But it’s important to step back and really take a look at your dog. Can you see a clearly defined waist? Well, it can be tough with mine because there’s just SO MUCH HAIR!!! So I tend to go more by feel. You should be able to easily feel your dog’s ribs without putting too much pressure on them.

You can check out the American chart on assessing your dog’s body condition score HERE!

Destructive Behavior

Dogs that aren’t getting enough exercise may start acting out in other ways to try to deal with the excess energy they have! They may just decide that pillow over there looks ripe to be gutted…Or that baseboard over there looks like it simply must be chewed!

You may think that your dog is just misbehaving. But they really may need to be exercised more so they don’t start looking for other outlets for their energy! And I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather go for an extra spin around the block (which is good for me too!) rather than chase and yell at my dogs all day for causing trouble around the house…I’m noticing even with the colder days the walks are a little shorter and they are acting out a little more than usual…Guess I need to bust out the snowsuit.

dog getting enough exercise destructive behavior
I didn’t do it!!!


Does your dog sit and look out the window and bark at EVERYTHING? Or at every little noise they hear? This can be another clue that they aren’t getting enough exercise to be too tired to bark at nonsense!

Benson was driving me a bit batty today before his walk, standing at the door and not stopping for anything I was doing! I finally went downstairs to investigate and discovered a squirrel taunting him on the front porch. Ok, I have to give him that one!

There’s a good chance that your dog will be tired and sleepy if they are exercised enough and not bother barking at trivialities. Another great reason to get that leash out!


Do you have a dog that just lies around all day? Either asleep or moping? Sometimes if my dogs haven’t been outside yet they will curl up in a ball and just stare at me…And I feel horribly guilty for whatever reason we haven’t been out! Grace is the master of this move.

dog sleeping depressed not getting enough exercise
Sleepy time


This. This is classic Benson!!! I’d be rich if I had a quarter for every time he begs to be let in and out over the course of the day. Pretty much flat out refusing to believe his dog door exists because he’s figured out that if he makes enough noise at the back door I have no choice but to stop what I’m doing, give him some attention and open the door!

The dogs also knows when walk time is getting close because they will start pacing back and forth through the house! So if your dog is constantly on the prowl it may be a sign that they need to get out and stretch their legs a bit!

Rough Play

Another Benson move! At walk time when I grab the harnesses, he will jump right on top of Grace and get super rough with her, which usually results in some sort of a yelp. Followed by Grace turning around and defending herself and a full out wrestling match at the front door! With me in the middle in a tangle of leashes…

Dogs that haven’t been exercised enough may end up playing rougher than they otherwise might. Which can result in injuries which no one wants to deal with.

dog not getting enough exercise weight gain rough play
I’m not sure if he is just being a clown or wanting to go somewhere…

What You Can Do

More Walks!

You had to know this was coming! If you have the time and your dog is able to, get out for a longer walk than typical. Explore a new area or head over to a park that is a little further away! If your dog is unable to walk longer distance or there are time constraints, what about more frequent walks of shorter duration?

If Grace and Benson are needing more, I try to get them out for an extra walk before bed. I think they really are just trying to drag me out now that the weather is cooler and they are enjoying it that much more!

Maybe try getting a buddy system, and get out walking regularly with a friend and their dog! If walking your dog more frequently yourself isn’t an option, there are many great dog walking options out there such as a dog walker for either a solo or group walk.

dog walking getting enough exercise
Mom, I can’t walk any further, there’s a big scary cat in the way

Fetch and Tug

Walking isn’t the only way to increase your dog’s exercise level! Taking a ball over to a park (off-leash permitted of course) and throwing it will be a good amount of exercise for your dog! Or even just in your backyard if your dog is an avid catch fan. Mine, sadly, are not. They will maybe go after the ball all of once and stop.

Tug is another great option that doesn’t require a lot of space! Although it can be quite tiring for you as well, particularly if you have bigger and stronger dogs!

Grace and Benson both like to get in the action at the same time, which leaves me out of breath and exhausted after some good tugging! I really think they take it easy on me though because they are enjoying the game. Or I’d probably find myself getting dragged all over the house…


Enrichment is another great way to tire out your dog if weight loss isn’t a goal. Snuffle mats, puzzle balls and puzzle toys are all great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated, which is often just as tiring for your dog!

Or maybe look at doing some new training. Both my dogs are absolutely exhausted after learning or practicing something new! If you have the time and think your dog might enjoy it, you can also check out some agility classes which exercise both their mind and body!

Go To The Dog Park

While you stand around, your dog will likely be running back and forth and playing with other dogs! The dog park can be a great way for your dog to get more exercise. They also get to mingle with other puppy pals! There are definitely things that you need to know to make it a safe experience. You can learn more on how to make a trip to the dog park safe and successful HERE!

Doggy Day Camp

A doggy day camp can be a great way to increase your dog’s activity levels! There are so many options available, so be sure to find the one that suits your dog best. I have found a great outdoor day camp that picks your dog up at your house in the morning, drives them out to a fully fenced property in the country and they spend the day out hiking the trails and running through the forest! They get home filthy, happy and extremely tired!

I try to do this with them at least once a week, but since it is a full day I don’t do it more than 2x a week and overdo it with them. They usually sleep a good portion of the next day as well…

signs your dog isn't getting enough exercise
Grace looking regal

Dog Agility Equipment

If you have the space for it why not consider looking into getting some dog agility equipment? You can set it up different ways to challenge your dog, and it uses their brain as well as getting in some more exercise! I mentioned above taking some agility training courses, but if that is not an option for you why not get some equipment and do it yourself!

Word of Caution

Like any new fitness routine for us people, don’t just throw your dog into a much more aggressive exercise routine since it can result in injuries. Particularly if your dog hasn’t been getting enough regular exercise and is overweight. Gradually increase the level of activity and keep an eye on your dog for signs that they’ve had enough for the day. Also be sure to consult with your vet.

In Conclusion

With so many options available to help your dog get more exercise, there is sure to be something that’s suitable for you and your pet! You will notice changes such as weight loss as well as a happier and calmer dog!

If you want to track exactly how much activity your dog is getting there now many dog activity trackers on the market as well! I would love to get one of these to see how much exercise my dogs are getting when they go out of town on their little day trips! But they can help you learn where you need to adjust and to what level to keep your dog at their healthiest and happiest!

Do you have a favorite type of exercise activity that I haven’t included on the list? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

The post Is Your Dog Getting Enough Exercise? first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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I’m Not Single I Have A Dog – Book Review Mon, 08 Nov 2021 10:00:00 +0000 Thank you to Alpha Dog PR and McFarland & Company, Inc. for sending me a copy of I‘m Not Single I Have A Dog for review…

The post I’m Not Single I Have A Dog – Book Review first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

Thank you to Alpha Dog PR and McFarland & Company, Inc. for sending me a copy of Im Not Single I Have A Dog for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

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I am always looking for a good book to read. When I got the opportunity to review I’m Not Single I Have A Dog I was really excited! The title alone was enough to grab my attention. And reading some reviews, this book really hit home for me as a single mother with two Bernese Mountain dogs! I love my cats as well, but a dog is your true and constant companion. I honestly don’t know what I would have done the last two years without them!

“Dating Tales From The Barkside”

The first thing that really struck me with this book is that it is a true story. I had to remind myself of that reading through it. This isn’t made up, it’s someone’s life. It actually happened. And it is an incredible journey of how one woman found self-love and healing through the unconditional love of her dogs.

It starts with a breakup and a trip to the local shelter where Susan finds Blondie. Being completely unprepared for a dog but ready for a devoted companion who provides unconditional love and can hopefully help her pick out a good partner. Susan takes us on her journey of dog ownership and dating and how Blondie helped shape her dating and relationships, including the one with herself.

The black and white pictures of Susan and her dogs throughout the book enable you to bond with her and her dogs and experiences. I found this a really nice touch to help tell her story! This book is authentic and compelling.

I'm Not Single I Have A Dog book review
It came!!!!


One of the things that I really love about this book is how well it is written. Finding it difficult to put this book down, I finished it in a matter of a couple of days! I was sneaking in some reading time when I should have been doing something else! Susan makes you feel all kinds of emotion as you read through the book, from humor to sadness to joy.

I related to many of the circumstances of this book. The ups and the downs. Being single for the most of the last ten years after my divorce, her opening paragraph on self help books and people looking at you as an old maid or pariah really rang true. To quote from the book, “Self-help books imply that being single is synonymous with being a neurotic harpy with impossibly high standards”. On the first page! I was immediately hooked! The search for love. And finding it from your dog.


While on her search for love, Susan is met with many obstacles along the way. But it is through the unconditional love and loyalty of her dogs that she is able to weather the storm. And able to move forward with purpose. I know without my dogs there were many days when I just didn’t have what it took to get up and face the day. Much like Susan at the beginning of the book.

While I had my cats, they are very independent and do things on their own terms and schedule! But with a dog, you can’t just hide away. They force you to get up and care for them. Get you out and live more of your life. Open up more circles to you. They help you with their undivided attention to get up and take care of them, and in turn take care of yourself.

I'm Not Single I Have A Dog book review
Can’t be lonely with these two around!

Interview With The Author

Susan Hartzler was kind enough to do a phone interview with me about her book. Her main message to her readers is that it’s ok to be single. You can have a happy and fulfilled life being single. You don’t need to constantly search for love. In her book, you can see how it’s ingrained in the people in our life to push us towards a union and grandkids. And if you don’t you’ve failed.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t live your life to the fullest! In Susan’s words “I realized I had a bad picker. And that I was better off being grateful. You don’t have to be in a relationship to be fulfilled. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s not successful.” I found it very interesting that she’s had the same feedback from men as well as women. It rings true for a lot of people!

I asked her if writing this book and sharing her story was a part of her healing process. “I needed a lot of naps” was her response. Writing about the loss of Blondie and the domestic abuse was particularly difficult for her. But she really feels like she was meant to live the life she has and to share her story and help other people. And from the reader responses she is clearly doing just that!

She has thought about how her life might be different without her first two dogs, Blondie and Baldwin. She said if she had kids and was married that she wouldn’t be able to make the difference that she is now making. I want to register Grace to be a therapy dog when she is old enough and Susan spoke highly of Therapy Dogs International which I am definitely going to be checking out!

I also asked Susan if she had plans for another book. She has had eight dogs now, and there is a bit of a gap to fill! She is actually already halfway through her second book, which goes back and digs deeper into caring for an elderly parent. So we will get to read a lot more about Baldwin and the introduction to her third dog, Bliss! Bliss was the actress and will be Susan’s focus for her next book!

In Conclusion

This is a wonderful book. It is an incredible journey about how one woman, out looking for love, learned with the help of her dogs to love herself. And be happy with the life she has led without living up to everyone else’s expectations for your life. Susan’s story is far from over.

I think that this is the type of book that any book lover and dog owner will love. I would suggest this book to anyone who has the same struggles with being single and finding happiness and fulfillment. Also, it would make a great gift for someone who loves to read. I highly recommend this book!

This book is also available at McFarland, Barnes & Noble and other fine book stores. You can see more on Susan Hartzler’s website HERE.

The post I’m Not Single I Have A Dog – Book Review first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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Why You Should Adopt A Shelter Dog Fri, 22 Oct 2021 22:27:16 +0000 October is Adopt a Shelter Dog month! I know, I know. It sounds a bit hypocritical coming from someone who owns two Bernese Mountain…

The post Why You Should Adopt A Shelter Dog first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog month! I know, I know. It sounds a bit hypocritical coming from someone who owns two Bernese Mountain dogs. But before settling on that breed I had tried adopting from a few different rescues. Given my daughter’s young age at the time I didn’t end up getting through the approval process. Especially since I had my heart set on getting a big dog!

But shelter dogs deserve a second chance! They are often wonderful dogs who are grateful to be in a home again instead of in a shelter. And many people who had lots of time during the pandemic adopted dogs which could sadly lead to more surrenders once they get back to the office and are away from the home more leading to increasing rates of separation anxiety and other behavioral issues. You can read more on separation anxiety HERE.

benefits of adopting a shelter dogdog

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Saving A Life

When you adopt a shelter dog you are saving a life! That’s a pretty good feeling. According to American Humane, 56% of dogs that enter shelters end up being euthanized. That’s a lot of dogs, and very sad. It ends up being millions of dogs every year. By adopting a dog you give that dog another chance at a safe and happy life!

And when you think about it, by adopting a dog from a rescue or shelter you are freeing up a spot for another animal. In essence, giving another dog a second chance as well!

why you should adopt a dog

Already Trained!

When you get a puppy the training can be overwhelming! I know with my two I was constantly running them out to the yard! And they ruined the carpet upstairs completely and I ended up having to rip it out since it just couldn’t be saved. Many times when you get a shelter dog they are past puppy stage and will have basic training (read: house trained!).

Be aware that while they may have some training, they may have other issues such as separation anxiety or resource guarding that will need to be worked with. Many shelters attempt to start working on these behaviors at the shelter but the work often continues after an adopted dog goes to their forever home. The shelter will work with you to find the best fit for you and your family as they work closely with their dogs!

benefits of adopting a rescue dog

Lower Cost

Everyone knows that adopting from a shelter is a LOT cheaper than getting a purebred dog! And they have received care at the shelter and will more than likely already be neutered/spayed and up to date on their shots!

It honestly makes me cringe when I think about the hit my wallet took when I got my dogs! And there are a lot of costs the first few months. If you adopt an older dog, you don’t have to worry about these costs! Trust me, they add up…


Most likely there is a good amount of selection to choose from at a shelter. Resulting in you being able to interact and pick the perfect dog for your family! Although sometimes they choose you…and your heart melts and you just have to go with it!

The shelter will have done an evaluation on their personality, temperament and likely has an idea if they are good around other pets or children. They will help you find the perfect match because the LAST thing they want is for the dog to end up back there after being sent to a home.

reasons and benefits of adopting a shelter dog

End Cruel Breeding Practices

That puppy in the window? There is a good chance it has come from some sort of puppy mill or poor breeder. I know that many stores don’t sell purebred puppies anymore for this very reason. But they are still out there…

And even if you buy a dog directly from a “breeder” if you haven’t done proper research you could still end up finding yourself buying from a puppy mill. By adopting a dog you take support away from these cruel types of breeding practices.


As much as I love my dogs, I know that there is a very good chance that they will develop hereditary medical issues that are well known with Bernese Mountain dogs.

With purebred dogs less likely to end up in a shelter, you are more often than not looking at mixed breed dogs. Which tend to be healthier since they don’t come with the medical issues associated with certain breeds of dog! Our dog Mack growing up was a mix from a shelter and he lived to 19 years old!! Crazy, right?? Benson and Grace…well the average lifespan for a Bernese Mountain dog is 6-8 years…

why you should adopt a dog

Mutual Benefits

When you rescue a dog, you not only save their life but they can help with many different things in your life as well! It is well known that having a dog around to pet and cuddle with on the couch can lower stress amounts and improve the happiness of your life.

So not only is your dog happy, but they make you happy as well! I know my two beasts make me laugh and smile every day! And Grace will pile right on top of you like she weighs 10lbs to get cuddles. Benson is SO SOFT and just so great to give a big hug too. I think I’d be lost without my dogs! I love my cats too, but they are so much more independent versus a constant companion.

benefits of adopting a shelter dog

More Exercise!

Having a dog forces you to get out there and get more active! My activity levels have definitely picked up dramatically since I got the bears! I have been logging at least 200 kilometers a month with all of our walks to the beach, ravine and through the neighborhood!

And another added benefit of more walks has been able to find new discoveries in the area! We love getting out and taking a different route because you never know what you will find! This is how we discovered the chickens and bunnies! If we walk that way my dogs are sure to drag me over for a good sniffing since they are often out of their pen and wandering around the yard!

reasons why you should adopt a shelter dog


Socialization is not only good for your dog, but for you!!! I have met countless numbers of people who have become friends through regular trips to the dog park and the ravine. The dogs have a great time and so do I! Your dog will open up a whole new world to you.

In our area, a lot of the patios at restaurants are even dog friendly! So you don’t have to leave them at home to go for that brunch! And by proudly showing off your adopted dog you encourage others to look at adopting as well! Win win!!!

And Lastly

Unconditional love. It really doesn’t get any better than that. I have seen so many before and after pictures of adopting a dog, and those dogs are so happy it hurts my heart. They are so loving and grateful! They don’t judge and are always there for you. It is so worth it to consider adopting a dog!

To find a shelter near you, check out Petfinder’s page HERE! And while this post is written around dogs, don’t forget about our kitty friends as well! They need adoption just as much as dogs and come with many of the same benefits.

Have a story about adopting a dog (or cat)? Be sure to share it in the comments below!

Getting a Dog? Be Sure To Grab These Essentials!

The post Why You Should Adopt A Shelter Dog first appeared on Help! I've Got Pets.

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