My favorite season is among us, and it’s time to get spoooooky again! Halloween is undoubtedly my favorite time of the year but that means we have to think about how to have a safe Halloween when you have pets! Oh and of course it is also time to think about what costumes we are going to be getting! My bears have outgrown the vast majority of costumes you can buy in the store and I’m considering just throwing a white sheet over them for ghosts and calling it a day!
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Halloween Decorations
Halloween decorations are the first thing to come out as we get closer to the big day. I know I have been working on my yard for the last couple of days once we got into October! However, decorations can present a multitude of dangers not only to our pets but to wildlife in general!
There can be wires that can be chewed and you have to watch for small decorations that can be swallowed as they present a choking hazard! I love to use a ton of artificial spiderwebs out in the yard as well, but be careful since these can entangle not only your pet but local wildlife! Last year I had to rescue a squirrel from mine…

Halloween Candy and A Safe Halloween With Pets
Candy and chocolate is a must at Halloween! And chocolate is a no-go where pet safety is concerned. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats due to the theobromine content as well as caffeine content. And the darker the chocolate the higher the theobromine content…According to the AKC one ounce of milk chocolate per pound of body weight is a concerning dose. If your dog consumes chocolate watch for vomiting and diarrhea, restlessness, and an increased heart rate. Since eating chocolate can also cause seizures and in some cases death you should consult your veterinarian.
Sugar free candy is another one to watch our for! This includes certain types of candy, mints and chewing gum. This is because sugar free candy contains xylitol which is also toxic to dogs and cats. Xylitol can cause listless and weakness in dogs as well as cause vomiting or collapse.

So really, the best thing to do is keep all Halloween candy out of reach to your pets (not only the contents but the wrapper can cause issues if ingested!). If your cat or dog manages to get into something they shouldn’t be sure to keep a close eye on them in case of adverse reactions. And of course consult with your vet.
A Safe Halloween With Pets and Costumes
Even as a fully grown adult with a daughter of my own, there is nothing I love more than planning my Halloween costume! And the dogs too! The cats? Ummmmm, yeah right haha. If I thought I could get away with it I would!

But did you know that there are things you need to take into consideration when picking out a costume for your pet? Pets can be prone to overheating in a cumbersome costume. So be sure to keep a close eye on your pet to make sure they aren’t showing signs of heat exhaustion in their costume. You can read more on heat exhaustion in dogs HERE.
Be sure to watch for anything that they can rip off or ingest as well.
And some costumes can be difficult to walk in and you definitely don’t want to put them in something that could restrict them from going to the bathroom! As I mentioned above I may just throw a sheet over my dogs this year…or another idea I have seen is just making a Ty heart and attaching it to their collar so they look like giant beanie babies! Sweet and simple!

Halloween Pet Safety On The Big Night
Although my dogs love Halloween because they love attention from anyone and everyone, your pet may not be the same. While you socialize your dog and get them used to many sights and sounds at a young age, costumes aren’t your typical everyday appearance and could be alarming. There are also lots of extra sounds and excitement and doorbells being rung.

If your pet isn’t a fan of the ghosts and goblins, you can consider crating them away from the action in a quiet spot. Or if a crate isn’t your dog’s thing then sectioning off a quiet room for them. White noise can also help mask the extra sounds that come with Halloween. CBD could also be a good option to help your pet stay calm. You can read more on CBD for dogs HERE!
We would love to see your Halloween costumes with your pets!! Post them in the comments below!