Cats are funny creatures! They are VERY different from dogs and can seem a lot more aloof and distanced. So how do you really know if your cat is happy??? I know Bubbles is ALWAYS happy at supper time because she’s obsessed with her wet food! Miesha spends most of her day sleeping in my daughter’s room. And Whiskers is always out and about. But are they really HAPPY???
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Purring indicates that your cat is happy!! My tortie Miesha will purr if you simply look at her and say her name! Bubbles and Whiskers will give you a purr if you give them some rubs. But never on the belly…NEVER…read more on why cats hate belly rubs HERE!
And at meal times Bubbles will rub all around your feet any time you even look like your headed to feed her and purr like a mad cat!

But did you know that purring can also sometimes mean that something is wrong? Cats that are hurt or in distress will also purr to comfort themselves. So if something seems a little off and your cat is purring take note and see if you can find out what might be wrong with your kitty.
Besides purring, some happy cats can be chatterboxes! Any time I am talking to my Mom her cat Emmy is always chattering in the background! Emmy is a bit of an odd cat to say the least. She was rescued by my Mom from a local farm and was underweight and had open wounds on her back legs. She follows my Mom around all day now meowing and chattering at her! I think this shows she is happy in her environment and letting everyone know it!

Of my three cats Miesha is the most talkative! Besides purring when you say her name, she will also meow at you at the top of her lungs when greeting you! Whiskers and Bubs are a little less talkative. Whiskers gets the loudest when you let him inside and Bubbles will chatter around meal times.
One more thing to note here is how exactly they are vocalizing. A higher pitched tone when communicating is generally a sign of a happy cat. As soon as you hit those low notes you’d better hide your toes and fingers!

Eating Well
Yes, a good appetite is a sign of a healthy and happy kitty! So I guess Bubbles is a very happy cat haha since she is obsessed with her wet food and bedtime treats!
A cat that has a good appetite is happy and content in their environment. If your cat is not eating it can be a sign that something is off. And that it’s time to take a deeper look into their health. When my old guy Gizmo quit eating I knew something was off. I took him to the vet and his belly was full of cancer.

But don’t let your cat eat to the point of being unhealthy! An overweight cat comes with a whole host of health risks. If your cat is overweight you can read the article on helping them lose weight safely HERE.
Most cats will show they are happy by rubbing…On your legs, hands, furniture. Miesha will come up and give me head buts and rub all over my face if I let her! She is an extremely affectionate cat and lets you know when she is feeling good!
But cats have scent glands on their face and can also be transferring their scent onto you and objects! In essence, they can also be claiming you and everything they rub on as their property! You can read more on cat’s scent glands in Cat Behavior Associates article HERE!

A relaxed cat is generally a content cat! Besides having a generally relaxed appearance, a cat may also roll over and show you their belly. This is a highly sensitive and vulnerable area so take it as a huge compliment if your cat is showing you their tummy!
Healthy Appearance
A cat that grooms itself and keeps itself in good shape is a happy cat! My cats groom themselves fastidiously! And sometimes in the middle of the night…While sleeping on my pillow beside my ear…Love that slurping noise…
With one of my old cats, Gizmo, I knew that something was up when he was getting on in years. His coat got duller and patchy. This is a cue to take a look at their overall health and wellbeing. If your cat is not taking care of their appearance there’s a good chance that something is up. Even something as simple as being overweight and not being able to groom areas around their back end.

When your kitty is really getting into it, besides purring they may start kneading you like crazy! This is also known as making donuts! I have had many claw pokes as a result of kneading…But you can’t get mad at your cat for it, they are just showing you how incredibly happy they are in that moment!
Besides kneading on you, they may knead objects, bedding or clothing or simply make the cutest little donuts into the air! When Miesha came home she took to my bathmat as a surrogate Mom I think. She would spend hours in that bathroom kneading the bathmat and suckle on it! It’s a comfort thing.

Happy cats love to play! Even with Bubbles getting on in her years she still loves to chase a laser pointer around the house! Give her a catnip log toy and she will spend a good amount of time kicking the snot out of it with her back legs. She is definitely slowing down from her younger years when she was a bit of a wild child. But she still gets that mischievous look in her eye!
Miesha will rip around the upstairs when she’s feeling perky. And Hamish and Whiskers run top speed through the house from top to bottom! Sometimes all I have to do is say Whiskers’ name and he hunches up and rips off.

Using The Litter Box
We don’t really think much about it when they are using it properly. But cats that use the litter box without any troubles are usually happy! I always know when Miesha is stressed because she will use my bed or laundry basket as a bathroom…And when Bubbles came to live with me she was a fearful and angry cat who peed on my bed and made me bleed more than once.
Cats who don’t use their litter box can have underlying health or behavioral issues. With Miesha I have pheromone sprays and plug ins that calm her. I also use a kitty litter with pheromones to encourage my cats to use their litter. You can read more on why cats don’t use their litter box HERE.
Body Language
Check out your cat’s body language for more cues that they are happy! If their ears are back and their eyes are dilated you’d better quit what you are doing right now!! Their tails can also give you signals. A twitching tail and ears slightly back are signs that your cat is somewhat annoyed. Keep doing what you are doing and well, you’d better get out the first aid kit!
So ears forward and tail up are good signs! But cats being cats, this can change from one moment to the next so just be sure to pay attention to what they are telling you.
Putting all this together I can say that my cats are happy! I know Miesha can get a bit stressy and doesn’t care much for the dogs. But she’s always been a bit of an oddball right from the time I brought her home! In general, everyone is healthy, well cared for and content.
What does your cat do when it’s happy?? Let us know in the comments below!
My cat used to purr so loud that she kept me awake at night. I thought purring always meant she was content. I never knew it could mean something was wrong. Thanks for enlightening me.
You’re welcome! I have had many, many cats my whole life and none of mine have ever purred to self heal so I think it’s much more likely that they are perfectly content in that moment.
I had a cat that would pee on things when he didn’t get his way. As long as the world revolved around him he was happy 🤣
Hahaha that sounds very much like cat behavior!
You are very in tune to your cat and I’m sure that adds to the happiness 🙂
Thanks! I make a big effort with all of my animals!
One out of my three cats is extremely vocal. I can have entire ‘conversations’ with her! LOL. Then of course, our Siamese… he is pretty quiet for his breed, but gets loud at meal times. People who don’t have pets don’t realize just how unique each personality is!
Haha your vocal cat sounds very much like my Miesha! Bubbles is the exact same at meal time, she lives for her food bowl!
One thing I miss about not having a cat around anymore is the purring. I loved hearing that sound and learning what it took to get my cats to make it.
It does take so much more to figure out your cat than a dog! It makes me happy when mine purr too.
We just got a kitten this summer. It’s my first cat in about 25 years! It’s been so fun having a little ball of fur around again, and I can say, based on the signs you mentioned, that our kitten is VERY happy so far!
I love kittens!! They are really so much fun and so much trouble haha. That is great your kitty is happy! My cats are 9, 7 and 5 so a ways to go before we are in kitten mode here again.
Yesterday my male cat ‘Oliver’ made this really low growl sound at my Physical Therapist who stopped by. He has NEVER done this before. I have five cats (3 of which are Polydactyl) and they are always happy (from your description) but he blew me away. I put him in another room because he obviously was NOT happy.
Oh wow! It sounds like he was protecting you! And five cats, I thought I had my hands full haha.
We don’t have a cat but loved to read and learn about them. I had no idea there were so many tips to let you know if your cat is happy.
There are so many, and each cat is SO different in how they show it!
My last cat was My dog’s best friend and constantly purred and kneaded. I guess she was happy.
Yes it sounds like she was happy! I love when cats and dogs are best friends.
We don’t have a cat anymore, but my Uncle’s is always purring … all you have to do is look at him and he purrs. LOL! I guess that is a good sign!! 🙂
Haha yes it sounds like he’s a pretty happy guy!
My roommate from school had a cat. That’s the only cat that I have ever lived with…Sometimes I miss her cat. Soothing qualities!
They really can help relax you, I love when Bubbles sleeps on my pillow and purrs on my head while touching me with her paws!
I’ve always wanted a cat! They are so freaking adorable! I just love their aura! I think this article is confirmation. LOL
Lol! I love my dogs and cats, but the cats are definitely awesome! Love their independence and personalities.
These signs are spot on! I have three cats…siblings…and they do all of these things. They also roll on the floor at our feet when they are happy.
[…] Ok, I don’t know of a single cat that DOESN’T do this! I’ve woken up to cat butt in my faces more times than I can count. But it’s actually pretty interesting WHY they do this! It’s actually a good sign and a bit of a greeting of sorts, like ok go ahead and give my butt a good sniff. Ew. Cat equivalent I guess of hugging. Another way your cat shows it’s happy even if it’s kind of gross haha. You can read more on signs of a happy cat HERE. […]
I have a Russian Blue that trills when he’s feeling happy and chatty. The sound reminds me of the Tribbles from Star Trek. 😀
Hahaha that is amazing!
I’ve never thought about this before.
I think it is important for pet owners to be aware of!
this is a really fun and interesting post. I did not know about the scent glands in their face. how cool!
Thanks! I love learning about why my cats do the things they do because sometimes it just makes absolutely no sense!
What a wonderful article! I don’t have a cat, but I know many people that do. These are great tips to ensure your cat is happy at home 🙂
Thanks!! With dogs it’s so easy to tell, but cats are a different story altogether!