Do dogs or cats dream? Absolutely!! But do you know what they dream about??? There’s that moment where they are soundly sleeping, then you notice a paw twitch…or a strange sound they are making…My Benny has had moments where it actually looks like he’s in some epic chase with the squirrels who always dart up a tree at seemingly the very last moment! It might not be as noticeable with cats…They are masters at hiding emotion…But you can bet there are dreams of mice kebobs going through their heads as well!
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About Dog and Cat Sleep
Dogs and cats sleep a LOT as any pet owner can attest to! Most cats and dogs sleep on average 12 to 16 hours a day with cats generally sleeping more than dogs. Although I can tell you my Bernese Mountain dogs give my cats a run for the money when it comes to sleep time…You can read more on Bernese Mountain dogs HERE!
But dogs and cats sleep so much for entirely different reasons! With cats, it is largely due to their genetic history of being predators. It takes a lot of energy for those intense bursts to catch that pesky little mouse! Whereas for dogs it can be attributed to rest after play or a walk, or could be out of just plain boredom! It’s also about sorting out all the fun things that happened during the day!

REM Sleep – Where the Dream Magic Happens
The first stage in sleep in both humans and our pets is slow wave sleep, or SWS. The dog’s mind is relaxed but they are still ready to jump up at the slightest provocation as their muscles are not yet fully relaxed. And cats may appear to be asleep but they are generally just dozing and also ready to snap in to action!
The next stage of sleep is where that dream magic happens! The rapid eye movement stage, or REM, is where deeper sleep occurs. According to VCA Animal Hospital this happens for your dog after about 20 minutes of sleep. You may notice their eyes moving (hence the name) as their minds are active and your pup may also be making some sort of a noise, chuffing or barking and their legs may be twitching! And this is when you know your dog is immersed in dreamland! I love watching when my dogs are dreaming although by the time I get the camera out they are already done…
However, cats are a bit different from dogs. They don’t tend to enter a deep sleep for as long, perhaps only a matter of minutes! So this could be a reason why you don’t tend to catch your cat mid-dream as often as you do your dog!

So…What Are These Dog and Cat Dreams About?
It should come as no surprise that your dog or cat dreams about experiences they have had! I’m sure Benson dreams of chasing squirrels…or rolling on the beach…Where Miss Gracie could be dreaming of doing her favorite self-appointed job of being a foot warmer and getting her ears scratched! I would also like to think dogs dream of their owners and all the love and cuddles they get from their humans!
The cats? Besides world domination, they could be dreaming of a nice cuddle (on their terms that is) with their owner. Or maybe about chasing mice or squirrels (ambitious but my Ragdoll stalks squirrels all day long in the summer…although he’s never been brave enough to actually close the deal). Or they could even be dreaming of playing with a great catnip toy!

Do Cats and Dogs Have Nightmares?
If cats and dogs can dream, then it is fair to say that they can have nightmares as well. You might notice more intense movements, growling or whining or even a potential yelp. You can help your pet have happier dreams by making sure that they have great experiences during their day and avoid unpleasant experiences. No one knows your pet better than you do so be sure to be aware of their likes and dislikes.
Should You Wake Up A Pet During a Dream or Nightmare?
In one word: No. You should try not to wake up your pet if they are deep asleep and mid-dream! Although I know that I don’t have much of an inclination to wake up my pets if they are dreaming because I find it simply adorable to watch.
However, it can be much more tempting to wake up your pet if it looks like they are in distress and immersed in a nightmare. Waking them up can startle them though and put you at risk of injury if your pet wakes with an overreaction (like a bite or a nip).
If you do need to wake up a sleeping pet be sure to do it slowly and calmly.

Sweet Dreams!
So I think it’s fair to say that dogs and cats experience dreams much as we do! So be sure to give your pet plenty of cuddles and love and positive experiences to send them off to dreamland happy!
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